Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Regional: filter the first ‘unpresentable’. The names Friday – ANSA.it

Sitting river of Anti-Mafia commission that is looking into the party lists to identify potential candidates ‘unpresentable’. The list will be offcial Friday but according to rumors the names could be a dozen and they should be all Puglia and Campania. And is controversy over the leaking of information from the commission. A filter at the time, only the names of four of Puglia.

The four candidates in Puglia reported from the Anti-Mafia Commission as unpresentable are: Giovanni Copertino (Forza Italy, Bari constituency); Fabio Ladisa (Popular for Emiliano, district Bari); Massimiliano Oggiano (addition with Lease, Schittulli president, district Brindisi) and Enzo Palmisano (Political Movement for Schittulli, popular area, district Brindisi).

Emiliano asks withdrawal Ladisa – “Taken note of the communication officer of the National Anti-Mafia the presidential candidate of the center of Puglia Michele Emiliano asked the coordinator of the UDC list, Reality Italy, Centro Democratico candidate Fabio Ladisa to withdraw from the elections. ” This was announced by a press release.

My ‘unpresentable’ both acquitted – For the sake of truth I intend to point out that: Massimiliano Oggiano, candidate in Brindisi, was acquitted at first instance by offenses to which it refers the Anti-Mafia Commission; Enzo Palmisano, always a candidate to Brindisi, was acquitted for crimes pertaining to the Anti-Mafia Commission, because the crime does not exist, for another offense (false ideology) not pertaining to the said Commission, although prescribed, he has resorted to the Supreme Court “. It ‘as said the presidential candidate to the Region Puglia Francesco Schittulli (addition with Lease, Ncd-Ap, FDI) about the news on the list of’ unpresentable ‘compiled dall’antimafia in which there are two candidates in the coalition Schittulli. “And then – he added – the question I ask myself and I refer to a common reflection in front of full acquittal by a court, to the Anti-Mafia Commission has candidates ‘unpresentable’ because the prosecution is opposed to the decision? And the presumption of innocence enshrined in our Constitution that happened? “.” Already in recent days – still says – were tossed on the first page, as if they were monsters, candidates who are now totally out of such a list, but in the meantime It has damaged their personal image and politics. Today dripping leak absurd news continues and here are out other names, two of which are connected to my coalition. “

The outpouring of the candidate of De Luca:” I unpresentable? But Vaffa … “

Sel, between unpresentable 4 Puglia, Campania the rest – Four are from Puglia and the rest, probably, they are all from Campania since in other regions there are unpresentable: to support him is Senator of Sel all’Antimafia Peppe De Cristofaro on the list of candidates for Regionals ‘unpresentable’ under review by the Commission. According to the senator, in the other five regions there would be unpresentable. In other five regions to vote – as reported Senator Peppe De Cristofaro (Sel), the Bureau of Anti-Mafia commission – there are cases of unpresentable. The only four names of candidates in Puglia in a statement the commission Anti-Mafia will know who I am. “At this point there was a leak – said the senator – affecting the work of this commission. Also missing the names of Campania, probably there was sloppiness on the part of some peripheral organ of government. It ‘true that the times were very short, candidates are thousands and the work is delicate. But – said De Cristofaro – there was need for greater capacity on the part of the prefectures, to provide it with more immediacy these lists. “

The names Friday – The commission Anti-Mafia will officially Friday the list of names of so-called ‘unpresentable’ the upcoming regional elections. “There is talk of a dozen names but the data at the time, are partial,” said the deputy five star Francesco D’Uva. The Senator Sel Peppe De Cristofaro added that the work of the Committee updated the next few hours to a miscommunication of the lists: “The Commission was therefore unable to complete its work.”

Bindi stigmatizes flight news – “Noting that during the meeting” the Bureau of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission extended to the parent company “and the first to be concluded in the work has been disclosed some names” of candidates unpresentable, the President Rosy Bindi ” He has condemned the breach of confidentiality, and stressed the absence of the rules of fairness and mutual trust among the members of the bureau. ” “In thanking the DNA, the courts and the prefectures for the collaboration they are providing, the President – reads a note – reiterates the need to maintain the confidentiality of the work in progress and distrusts anyone from using the assets d ‘investigation and the institutional role of the Anti-Mafia Commission to disseminate information not supported by a verification still ongoing “.


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