Friday, May 29, 2015

Renzi: Berlusconi ticket expired. It raises the union unit … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published May 28, 2015 at 22:16.
The last change is the 28 May 2015 at 23:23.

Silvio Berlusconi? “It’s a ticket expired. He has already had the opportunity to change things. Let’s talk about the future. ” He said the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, a guest on RAI-2 Virus. In transmitting the premier raised the union unit: “It is unacceptable that (unions, ed) instead of bothering to defend workers’ interests – he said – to play naval battle against other names.” He added: “The law on union representation to be made, the union’s unit in Germany and works.”

Renzi: in Italy the highest number unionists
“Cgil, Cisl and Uil decide what to do but how we have reduced the number of politicians with the overcoming of the provinces and the constitutional reform, it is normal that in Italy the number of union members is the highest in the world?”. This is the question posed by Renzi in Virus, reviving the idea of ​​trade union unity.

“I estimate Squinzi but need not do things assemblies”
As for his absence today at the Confindustria in Milan, Renzi said: “I sent a Squinzi A message of affection and esteem but eventually has to come out my character: they are not taken for certain assemblies, have to do things and not meetings and initiatives. ”

Berlusconi: Renzi does not lower taxes to maintain power
Silvio Berlusconi who was also guest of Virus Raidue (but not face to face with Renzi) attacked the Prime Minister “Renzi will not reduce taxes – he said – because the left has in its culture as maximum goal the conquest and expansion of power that means expanding public spending and thus taxes.” He added: “The first duty that is to cut off today on housing, according to the inheritance.”

“Renzi political craft looks only his interest”
After breaking the covenant of the Nazarene Berlusconi said he was skeptical about the possibility of sitting at the table again with Renzi . “I do not know why Renzi instead of looking at the interest of the country – he said – only to watch his interest and the interest of the left.” Then he continued: “Renzi was half my age, a large fortune, but I have 40 years more experience. He – he insisted – as a politician looks more to convenience and to its own advantage, which is the political craft and profession. ”

“De Luca? Candidabile and eligible. GDP would rise with him “
Speaking of the gubernatorial candidate of the center to the regional Campania Vincenzo De Luca (at first instance sentenced for abuse of office) intended to be suspended in the event of victory, on the basis of the law Severino, Berlusconi said: “I am a garantista and did not say a word by the way do not know him. I abstained from any comment. Someone must know first, then the processes run their course and then at the end we can say whether or not it is presentable. ”

“As for the law Severino applied in cases at first instance – said Renzi – there have been two cases: one to De Magistris and one for the Regional Council of Puglia, Amati. In both cases a court, one administrative and one civilian, have them re-entered in the role. It is normal for De Luca says that he is entitled to the same treatment. De Luca is candidabile and eligible, according to law, and the bells will decide then. ”

Finally, “De Luca was a mayor of Salerno extraordinary, if the south was ruled Salerno as there would be a GDP between 0.5 and 1 percent. It is an extraordinary administrator with methods that can like it or not. ”



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