Sunday, May 31, 2015

Regional elections 2015: Voting turnout up to 23 hours from 12 to 15% –

Despite a list with the names of the “unpresentable”, the controversies that preceded the opening of the polls until almost this election, clashes between fiery and especially within the parties, and also the bridge on June 2 with nice time, Italians went to vote, denying the catastrophic predictions that wanted them away from the polls. Today 15% of voters, at 12, went to the polls in the seven regions called the renewal of Boards and Presidents – Veneto, Liguria, Tuscany, Marche, Umbria, Puglia – recording a surprising + 5% attendance compared to five years ago, when, however, they voted in two days (Sunday and Monday) and not in one as this year.

‘down two percentage points instead turnout when compared to European last year, with the exception of Campania. Looking at the data in detail, it appears that in Puglia voted for the regional 13.3% of voters, up by more than four points; Tuscany voted for the regional 14.6% of voters, with a growth of more than five points; peak attendance in Umbria and Veneto, with an increase of voters even by 7 percentage points: in Umbria voted for the regional 15.4% of voters, in Veneto voted 17.8% of voters, an increase of almost seven points over previous counterparts; Marche voted for the regional 13.4% of voters, an increase of almost 5 points compared to previous counterparts; Liguria has chosen to go to the polls on 16.8% of voters, up by almost five points; in Campania, it voted for the regional 13.9% of voters, an increase of more than five points, in Naples voted 12.4% of those eligible. For municipal turnout at 12 it was 20.2% in 512 centers called to vote. In Venice, the capital of the most important called the renewal, voted 18.4%.

The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi , around noon voted in Pontassieve (Florence), accompanied by his wife Agnes.
Accompanied by his sons Piero and Roberto, the former mayor of Salerno, Vincenzo De Luca , the Democratic Party candidate for president of the Campania Region, went to the polls this morning in the district of Carmine Salerno. After the vote, De Luca, who has not released any statement to reporters, he headed on foot towards the house which is located not far from the seat. The President of the Campania, Stefano Caldoro , candidate for the center-right President of the Region, went to the polls in Naples shortly after 11:30. Caldoro was with his wife, Annamaria Colao, the mother-in-law and daughter Alessia. A Giugliano (Naples) voted the president of the National Anti-Corruption, Raffaele Cantone. Nelcomune north of Naples, we vote for the renewal of the City Council.

A Terlizzi, his hometown, voted the outgoing President of the Puglia Region, Nichi Vendola . Vendola, who ruled the region for two terms, was not re-nominated. The center-left candidate for the former mayor of Bari and regional secretary of the Democratic Party, Michele Emiliano, who won the primaries and is backed by a number of lists, including that of outgoing President Vendola.

curtain at the polling between Beppe Grillo and his wife Parvin Tadjk in the seat of St. Hilary. His wife said: “You know how to vote? I told you everything.” The lady replied: “Yes, yes. Of course I do.” Then Grillo joked with the president of the polling station asking to retrieve it with the phone to see “what combines”. The President smiled and said, “You know very well that you can not.” Of Maalox I always behind an escort, but I am optimistic for our Savior Alice,” she said Beppe Grillo leaving the polling station, referring to the 5 Star Movement candidate for president of the Region of Liguria.

Regional: the turnout at 12 in seven regions – 17.8% Venetia (Venice 18.4%), 16.8% Liguria (Genoa 18.1%), TUSCANY 14.6% (17.7% Florence ), BRANDS 13.4% (13.9% Ancona), Umbria 15.4%, (Perugia 17.8%), 13.9% CAMPANIA (Naples 12.4%), 13.3% Puglia (Bari 15.2%).

Municipal: the turnout at 12 in the 17 capitals – This is the turnout at 12 in the 17 capitals, where he is voting for municipal elections (the figure released by the Interior Ministry, does not take into account the municipal course in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Sicily). In previous government it was voted on two days. Venice 18.4% – 21.6% Rovigo – Lecco 19.7% – 21.3% Mantova – Arezzo 16.9% – 17.1% Fermo – Macerata 17.1% – 20.5% Chieti – Andria 23 , 8% – Trani 21.9% – 21.7% Matera – Vibo Valentia 20.7% – 12.3% Agrigento – Enna 11.5% – 21.5% Sanluri – Nuoro 25.3% – 21.0% Tempio.


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