Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Risk chaos of De Luca. Competence of the judges to the Supreme Court … –

may be filed by Friday morning the verdict of the Supreme Court on the law Severino .

The counselor supervisor Stefano Petitti was urged to write the judgment and deposit it before the weekend, but it is doubtful that this indication can be met given the complexity of the matter. The orientation of the judges, already emerged before the chambers, the majority would still widely attributed to the ordinary courts, and not to the TAR, the power to apply the law Severino politicians condemned.

The United Sections civilians of the Supreme Court, which met today, had to determine precisely whether the ordinary courts or the Tar jurisdiction to decide the ‘fate’ of politicians condemned stumbled and forced exile from elective office by operation of law Severino. If the timing will respect the decision of the ‘ermine’ could affect already on the election next Sunday, especially for the region – one of the regions where they vote together in Marche, Puglia, Tuscany, Liguria, Veneto and Umbria – where question is whether, if you win the challenger Vincenzo De Luca, will actually be the candidate of the Democratic Party to rule the region and to take the reins from the outgoing governor Stefano Caldoro the PDL in March 2010 had prevailed with more than ten helpful reject percentages. De Luca , in fact, if the Supreme Court – as all presumes also according to the indications given by two different representatives of the Prosecutor’s Office of Cassation – rely on the Court as the final word on the application of Severino , you could have the uphill road to settle in the new position and may have to ‘serve’ eighteen months’ purgatory ‘severiniano’ . Traditionally, in fact, the ordinary judges are less ‘slack’ to those applying the accounting Severino, although exceptions can always be verified.

To raise the question of competence in front of the civil section, chaired by Antonio Rovelli, the ‘number two’ of the Supreme Court after the First President Giorgio Santacroce, was an appeal by the ‘Movement for the defense of the citizen’ defended by Gianluigi Pellegrino who was “very satisfied” for the broken lance, to Tar and the expense of the State Council, is from Pg Luigi Salvato who had filed an indictment written a couple of months ago, both from Pg Umberto Apice this morning in the Great Hall at the hearing in camera.

An opinion for which he instead ‘chewed bitter’ the lawyer Lorenzo Lentini who defended the mayor of Naples Luigi De Magistris , who was also convicted and ‘reintegrated’ in service since the TAR. As for De Luca, on 21 January, the Court of Salerno sentenced him – suspended sentence – one year in prison and one year of disqualification from public office for abuse of office in relation to the appointment of a project manager for the project construction of the incinerator in Salerno. By virtue of Severino, January 23 De Luca was suspended for eighteen months from his duties as mayor of Salerno where three days later he ‘put’ the TAR of Campania.

De Magistris , very serious leaks – “Once again, my story is recorded abnormalities and gross violations of the law as an anticipation of the Chamber of the Council before they are deposited the reasons. I do not know if it is unprecedented, but I think it extremely serious “. So Luigi de Magistris ANSA on the ruling of the Supreme Court on the law Severino.


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