August 22, 2014 Editors
Anas: “At the start of the end of August controesodo”
Get in on the first weekend of controesodo dell` summer on the network of 25,000 km of roads and highways managed dall`Anas, in a statement that sums up the situation for the whole weekend, traffic and useful information to know when you put in the car to go home. Starting today, Friday, August 22, is expected to return vacationers that will end on Monday 25th in the morning, then resume nell`ultimo weekend of August and continue until the reopening of schools. `Sticker giallo` in the afternoon today, and tomorrow, Saturday 23, and the next day, Sunday, Aug. 24, traffic will be particularly intense, with` dot rosso`, throughout the day, especially on Sunday afternoon in the north and to the cities capital. Also Monday, August 25, explains Anas, traffic will be maintained in the morning, from yellow stamp for the last movements of the weekend and the resumption of movement of heavy vehicles. This morning from the sensor dell`Anas traffic volumes are substantially in line with those recorded last year (Friday, August 23, 2013), in view of the circulation dell`aumento scheduled for the afternoon and in the evening. From midnight to 12 were detected more than 40,000 vehicles on the GRA of Rome, 26000 transits On Street `A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria` tract Salerno, more than 22,000 On Street Rome-Fiumicino, 16000 on SS36 `Lake Como and Lecco in the Spluga`; over 15,000 vehicles on SS1 `Aurelia` the stretch in the province of Rome, also over 15,000 On Street A19 Palermo-Catania“ and `14,000 On Street A29 Palermo-Mazara del Vallo`; 14,000 vehicles on the SS16 `Adriatica` in Brindisi and Lecce at the same number on the SS101. Finally, there were more than 12,000 transits detected on the ring Sistiana-Cattinara, in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
In the morning we reported slowdowns On Street `A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria` Lauria, on the border between Calabria and Basilicata to the cause of a truck damaged in a section of the yard, to the north. In Tuscany, on the SS62 `Cisa` there are difficulties due to an incident at the 37,800 km in the north, between Villafranca in Lunigiana with Pontremoli, and in Sicily, On Street` A19 Palermo-Catania`, there are delays for a vehicle damage that occupies part of the roadway, in a southerly direction, at km 117 Slowdowns also on SS107 `Sila Crotonese`, in Calabria, in the heavy traffic on the SS280 and the` Two Mari` for a fire at the edge of the roadway, in North direction. High traffic on SS1 `Aurelia` in La Spezia, on SS36 in Sondrio, on the SS309` Romea` in Ferrara (Emilia Romagna) and Venice (Veneto), on the SS16 `Adriatica` in Ferrara, Rimini, Riccione (Emilia Romagna) and Alba Adriatica (Abruzzo) on the SS7 `Appia` in Rome, Latina (Lazio), Avellino (Campania) and Potenza (Basilicata), the SS145` Sorrentina` in Campania, on the SS18 `Tirrena Inferiore` in Salerno (Campania), Cosenza, Vibo Valentia and Reggio Calabria. Finally, traffic slowed A19dir On Street branch by Giafar, Palermo, and SS106 in Catanzaro. This morning, in addition, on the SS107 `Sila crotonese`, traffic was slowed between Cosenza and Celico for an accident at km 32.8 which resulted in the injury of a cyclist.
L`Anas remember that tomorrow, Saturday, August 23, on the roads and highways vehicles with a mass exceeding 7.5 tonnes will not move from 7.00 to 22.00. The same ban will be in force Sunday, August 24, from 7.00 to 23.00 hours. The complete schedule of days of heavy traffic is available on To travel informed l`evoluzione the traffic situation in real time is available 24 hours a 24 on the website or on all smartphones and tablets, thanks all`applicazione `GO Anas Plus`, available in the App store` `and` Play store`. Users are then available to the news traffic forecasting Anas Anas on TV and Radio, number 841-148 `Ready for Anas` information sull`intera Anas network, dedicated to the toll free number 800 290 092 `Motorway A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria, l`accountstradeanas on Twitter, the` esodoestivo` on Facebook and news traffic forecasting and traffic information in real time on the air on a rich network tv and radio.
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