Monday, August 25, 2014

Justice reform, ongoing work on the chapters and prescription forgery … – Il Sole 24 Ore

Justice reform, ongoing work on the chapters and prescription forgery … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History article


This article was published on 25 August 2014 at 07:05.

Week Hot for the reform of the justice, declination of the 12 guidelines presented by the Prime Minister on June 30. On the table of the Council of Ministers of 29 will land a package of measures (likely a Dl) to speed up the civil justice system and in particular to halve the case backlog, with the strengthening of the courts for the companies and the debut of sections for family and individual rights. For chapter provided a criminal justice bill, which should include rules to “stretch” the prescription process and a squeeze on corporate crimes. In stand-by mode when the close on the civil liability of the robes, while the court is sure to mid-September on the reform of the rules of the CSM and limit publication of wiretaps.

What’s in the chapter Civil Justice
Almost certainly, among the measures that will be taken Friday, the package on civil developed first by the commission Berruti, with the steps to get to the first-instance judgment in a year and disposal backlog, to create lanes for families and businesses, to give some time to traders on the recovery of their claims. You will be encouraged the use of arbitration, mediation and rapid resolution of disputes. Ready, but politically risky shift (despite significant convergences that the minister Orlando has recorded especially by the majority parties,) the revision of the civil liability of judges who, on the European model, will be called to answer for their mistakes indirectly , by the State, with a compensation of up to 50% of their salary. Expectations also the unique role of honorary judges, measures for the computerization of the courts, and the reform of the disciplinary togas administrative and accounting, as well as interventions on the staff of the judicial offices.

Criminal Justice, works in progress on prescription and false accounting
After confrontations last week between Tuesday and Wednesday the Keeper Andrea Orlando should meet the majority and opposition in third and final session on criminal justice, which also includes the rules on lengthening the time of the prescription. The theme, as you know, is the most slippery to the opposition of Forza Italy in a rewrite of the general statute of limitations. I would forzisti at most favorable to riestensione time only for certain offenses. In the ranks of the majority on the subject’s contrast. The undersecretary Enrico Costa (Ncd), for example, put the stakes by asking that the maneuver on the prescription is mitigated by the introduction of certain times over the duration of the preliminary investigation and hearings. In his round of meetings the minister will certainly Forza Italy. Maybe Sel. Hardly meet the League and Cinquestelle with whom relations have become tense after the lump sum grillino – but also the League – last Thursday and accusations of making backroom deals with Silvio Berlusconi. Still on the criminal is being defined final proposal on the reintroduction of false accounting and the introduction of the crime of self-laundering. Fi has recommended not to return to the criminalization of all false corporate communications, and to be tolerant with those who are only offenses formal, not to hurt business.

Slip safe for reform and CSM interception
certainly will not be on the agenda of the meeting of government policies that alter the mechanics of the election of the Superior Council of Magistracy. Please institutional expects in fact that Parliament, on September 11, appoint the eight lay members of its competence so that they complete the renovation of the organ of self-government of the robes (now under the extension, expired on July 31 ). The other problem to solve, with the Articles of the landing skid to the CDM, concerns interceptions, looking for a solution that will reconcile the freedom of the press with the demands of privacy, especially for people not directly involved in the investigations. The postponement was decided to make a round of consultation with the editors. The alfaniani and Forza Italy, who also wants to limit the use of wiretaps by prosecutors, would have preferred that the subject did the agreements already in progress.



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