Monday, August 25, 2014

Pa, halved gaps and permits union – La Stampa

Pa, halved gaps and permits union – La Stampa


Pa, halved gaps and permits union


 At the start the cut provided for in Decree-Law “Madia”. The measure “to reduce spending,”


The Minister of Public Administration Marianna Madia (archive)



At the start the spending review expected in the reform of public administration : September 1, takes the 50% reduction of the trade union prerogatives in public administrations. The measure, which is part of the reform of the Pa, has been placed with a circular signed by the Minister of Pa Marianna Madia August 20. The reduction, says the report published on the website of the ministry, “is aimed at streamlining and reducing government spending.” By the end of the month, therefore, the unions will have to communicate the revocation of detachment: “By the date of August 31, 2014 – says the move – all the trade union representative shall report to the government the withdrawal of the detachments union no longer payable.”

The reduction of 50 per cent of trade union prerogatives in government does not “apply to police forces to civil order and the National Body of Fire Brigades.” The exception to Police and Fire Brigade, which was already foreseen in the reform dl, provides that ‘for each union meeting, held at the invitation of the administration, only one representative from each organization may impose on any permit “provided, respectively in the decree of the President of the Republic June 18, 2002 and the Decree of the President of the Republic of 7 May 2008

For CGIL cutting gaps and permits union “clearly put in difficulty.” But “we are strong and we will continue to exercise our function union,” says Michele Gentile, head of the public sectors. “It will not be just another cut labor detachments, which, however, the CISL has not opposed, to solve the problems of public administration,” says the general secretary of the CISL, Raffaele Bonanni, on the sidelines of the Meeting of Rimini, “but now just with demagoguery and populism: we expect the government to renew the contracts of public employees still outrageously for seven years and a clear and detailed plan for reform of the entire public administration to discuss with the union. ”

For the UIL this measure “has nothing to do with the spending review,” says Carmel Barbagallo, Deputy Secretary-General, who said: “This transaction will not result any savings for the state; Indeed, the return of seconded result in increased costs to the public purse, because it will be necessary to pay these employees also additional payment, food stamps and productivity. ”

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