Thursday, August 14, 2014

Renzi in the South: the crisis across the Eurozone, growth will not do it … – The Messenger

Renzi in the South: the crisis across the Eurozone, growth will not do it … – The Messenger


  Friday, August 15
  agg.3: 26


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The government goes ahead with the plan set: “We confirm the timing and method. Any kind of problem or concern, we go forward with decided conviction and determination, with calm and serenity. ” So the premier Matteo Renzi responded to Naples when he was asked whether measures should be expected shock to the economy. The growth does not trigger lowering wages and “making reforms that should be conducted for the lowering of the quality of life” workers “on the grounds that we would be more competitive.” But the solution is “not to play less worse,” he added.

The growth in the post “This morning I see that Germany is 0.2%. I’d gladly exchange in terms of economic size, but not the percentage of the ‘zero point’ to make a difference, but the climate of resignation in public opinion of those who think, to start by the ruling classes, so that will never change . ” “There is a crisis than the Eurozone Italy

traveling at twice the speed: this has happened in the past – tell you a little later in Reggio Calabria – now the situation has changed, the entire euro zone has entered a phase of stagnation. ”

Italian leader “Today, Italy is in a position, making the reforms that must be driving in Europe and drag the eurozone out of crisis’ Renzi added. All, however, must “do their part with conviction and determination” to conquer “the leadership in Europe.”

Culture and School “Italy that will finally know a situation of growth if we move forward on culture, education, the school ‘which are’ growth factors’ such as economic measures, he added Renzi, who invites you to overcome the “separation” between the measures for economic and other reforms. “Someone has defined the authoritarian constitutional reform but this is only a joke summer,” he smiled, adding a regularly that “Napolitano has determined that the Parliament has accepted his appeal and approved in time meaningful reform.” “On May 14 we had spent 50% of European funds: after three months we are at 58% – also announced -. I speak of the old money, not new ones on which there was a bit of controversy yesterday. A step forward has been made but is still not enough. ”

The South “We have to get out of the culture of resignation and delegation. The challenge is to have no alibi and take stock of all the open items telling the South that is not the point of the retrograde country but a place where “you can be the engine of innovation and development, also said the premier.

The dispute Renzi has also been the target of some whistle and some protest by a small group of protesters. Two workers Consortia unique Basin also climbed on a crane at the Science City for non-payment of 22 months. Another protester has a fake noose around his neck to prove their condition without salary. A group of mobile workers and layoffs has instead organized a protest outside the Prefecture of Reggio Calabria.

Thursday, August 14, 2014 – 11:43
Last updated: 22:14










from 19:51 plato

It already !! What I do not understand Mario. The television tells him that it’s just a asssestamento and he believes it. The future nobody knows but he believes that there are magicians Germans who know him … the future.

Comments posted on 14/08/2014 at 20:18 by Zugzwuang



08.14.2014 at 19:01 by mario from frankfurt

on an annual basis German GDP grew by 0.5%.
unknown if anything, is the future

Comments posted on 14/08/2014 at 19:51 by plato



Zugzwaung 19.39

I have read it well. But I’ve already written previously in another post addressed to you, do not want to talk about germany. But now you force me to farlo.Quello that is now happening in Germany is only an adjustment, and the data relate only to the `last quarter, but if you look at the period from January to July, the German GDP is in excellent health. as I said, is just a settling anything else. You who always well informed this news should classify them better ..

Comments posted on 08/14/2014 at 19:01 by mario from frankfurt



growth as

growth is not made cutting the salari.Bravo. But even encourage the dismissal of workers. Structural reforms are beginning to tax the rich.

Commentary Posted on 08/14/2014 at 18:55 by mauro bertini



Diagnosis wrong, wrong remedies

It continues to be ye say to the four winds the idea that should the policy, and a government, to create the conditions for growth. Yes, politics is a problem when it works ok, but the real problem is us ITALIANS. Will be generic, will qualunquistico, but until we realize that we are no longer the people of the past, we’ve lost along the way all our best qualities that we fell asleep nell’assistenzialismo and in relative comfort we have achieved, we will continue to wrong diagnosis and then treatment.

Comments posted on 14/08/2014 at 18:46 by Scioccolade



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