Sunday, August 17, 2014

Never have so many illegal immigrants: the government stops Mare nostrum – the Newspaper

Never have so many illegal immigrants: the government stops Mare nostrum – the Newspaper

The calculation is provisional and must be updated every 24 hours, or even less. In only two days we have added more than three hundred new immigrants landed between Pozzallo and Reggio Calabria. Invasion, with numbers triple those of 2013, certifying the failure of “Mare Nostrum”, the operation launched in October 2013 to discourage landings but proved totally ineffective (compared to costs of € 9 million per month ). Since the beginning of 2014, ie in less than eight months, the Interior Ministry calculates something like 101mila arrivals (Somalis, Eritreans, Syrians and Libyans), 81% on the most exposed coasts, Sicilian ones (especially Lampedusa). If you take the whole of the last twelve months we get to 116,944 new immigrants, with 35,424 applications for refugee status (which results in significant maintenance costs borne by the State Italian), and 10 thousand returns, one-tenth. The smugglers arrested were 539 and 53 243 immigrants present (31 July) in temporary structures and centers of identification.

invasion, which had a peak not seen in recent months, those memo “Mare Nostrum”. Just compare the figures of previous years. In all of 2002 there were 23,719 landings, one-fifth compared to the first eight months of 2014 even less in 2003 (14,331) and 2004 (13,635). To get to the alarm thresholds have to wait until 2011, when arrivals splash at 64,261 and then last year, 42,925. Just a few more than the trend of this year. The shield military does not work, it must also recognize the Interior Minister Angelino Alfano at a press conference where he rattles off the numbers of the invasion. “Italy is the” champion of the world and hosting Mare Nostrum we have saved so many lives and we are proud of. But the operation does not have to do the second birthday because, though laudable, was born at term (October 2013 ed.) I will work hard to succeed Frontex, the liability of the border of the Mediterranean is also because a large part of European migrants do not want to stay in Italy but go in the countries of northern Europe. If it will not, the Italian government will have to make decisions. ” A flop that is not reckoned by Alfano, who assured launching the operation: “Mare nostrum will have a very significant deterrent to those who think they do with impunity, trafficking in human beings.”

So, the ball has to go to Europe, at least so in the hope of the government. Already in June, a meeting with the EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstrom, Alfano had asked for an exit strategy from Mare nostrum, to take over Frontex, the European agency. But by the EU, and right from the Malstrom, did not arrive encouraging responses to Rome (“Mare Nostrum is extensive and expensive, and Frontex is a small agency and can not succeed.”) Alfano returns to the attack, focusing on the weight that Italy should have as President of the EU. But it is a complicated game, and the dossier on the appointment of the chair of Mogherini superministro EU foreign does not bode well.

On the front is no shortage of criticism of Alfano and its management (for what that competes the holder of the Interior Ministry) bomb immigration. “Mare nostrum was an operation bankruptcy and zany – attacks the senator blue Gasparri -. In Italy were transported more than 100 thousand illegal and certainly not the persecuted. A madness that goes on for too long and that it is only by fostering the emergence of new terrorist cells, as well as bringing with it a high risk of epidemics. Months have passed since the government said it would spend all European Frontex operation. But Frontex does not exist and everything continues as before. ” The deputy minister of Infrastructure Riccardo Nencini angry with Gasparri. “If you save thousands of lives is unseemly might as well assist sipping a lemonade to the sinking of the barge.” Concerned instead Caritas. “We can not go back to the previous stage in which people do not have any kind of humanitarian protection in our sea.”


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