Monday, August 25, 2014

Opposition: Union dispute over car toll just for show – new Germany

Opposition: Union dispute over car toll just for show – new Germany

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Photo : dpa / Stefan Sauer

 Berlin. The opposition has renewed its criticism of the planned toll for cars in the face of internal union dispute. That the CSU it “holds against better knowledge and devoid of any political reason, evidence of a arrogance that inflicts significant damage to the democratic system,” said left-traffic expert Sabine Leidig on Monday. Green Party Vice Oliver Krischer said it was feared that criticism of the CDU regional organizations North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg in a vignette for all roads was just for show. “In the end they meet these CSU-nonsense just join again as the care allowance” because CSU leader Horst Seehofer this so wanted.

 The Baden-Württemberg CDU state chairman Thomas Strobl reiterated its objections to the concept of Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU). “We stand by the coalition agreement,” Strobl, who is also a CDU deputy said the “Handelsblatt” (Tuesday). “However, the Minister of Transport would like bemauten not only highways, but all the roads. This leads to problems in border regions. “CSU General Secretary Andreas Scheuer had criticism from the CDU, among others, Strobl as” rejected embarrassing summer theater. “

 Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had said on ARD television on Sunday: “There will be a lively discussion, but we are all the coalition agreement” is It stipulates that there be no additional burden for German motorists and toll foreign motorists according. EU law must not discriminate. dpa / nd


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