M5S, Di Battista: “Terrorism only weapon left to those who rebel”
The deputy of the Movement in a blog post on the advanced Grillo spoke of the Islamic State: “I’m not justifying or approving it. I’m trying to understand. “
Alessandro Di Battista, a member of the 5 Star Movement
“If a bomb my village is an unmanned I have only one way to defend myself apart from the non-violent techniques that are the best: groovy with explosives and blow me in a Metro ‘in a post on the blog of Beppe Grillo, the deputy of the Movement 5 stars Alessandro Di Battista says its on Iraq. Terrorism, he writes, is “the only weapon left to those violent rebels.”
It is part of a long analysis of the deputy grillino clashes going on in Iraq, against the advance of the Islamic state and the role of international politics: “We should stop to consider the inhumane terrorist with a subject which not even start a discussion. This is a complex but crucial point. In the age of drones and the total imbalance of arms terrorism, unfortunately, is the only weapon left to those violent rebels – writes Di Battista-. It’s sad but it is a reality. If a bomb my village is an unmanned, remote I have only one way to defend myself apart from the non-violent techniques that are the best: groovy with explosives and blow me in a subway. I’m not justifying or approving it, far be it from me. I’m trying to understand. By its nature as a person who responds to a violent terrorist not suffered defeat him sending more drones, but elevating it to party. Difficult but necessary, otherwise you will only grow the phenomenon. ”
According to Di Battista, also, “we need to tie inextricably terrorism to social injustice. The fact that in black Africa the leading cause of death for children under 5 years old is the diarrhea has something to do with global insecurity or terrorism of Boko Haram? The fact that Gaza is a concentration camp has to do with the choice of armed struggle by Hamas? “.
Just a few hours after the go-ahead of the EU member states to provide military equipment to the regional Kurdish authorities in Iraq are facing the Isis, Di Battista adds: “Italy should promote an international moratorium on the sale of arms “and push” so that the European Union should promote a global peace conference on the Middle East, “dealing with terrorism” like a cancer “:” The cancer is fought by eliminating the causes, not only dealing with the effects. ” Disputes, however, the role of the United States: “We need to question once and for all American leadership – writes Di Battista -. The United States does not have an apt in the Middle East. They brought death, instability and poverty. ”
The above “To understand Isis need respect,”
In recent days Manlio Di Stefano, a member of the 5 Star Movement and parent M5S the Foreign Affairs Committee, he reiterated in an interview with La Stampa the position of grillini, contrary to any kind of armed intervention in Iraq, “radical phenomena such as Isis – the position of the movement – would be explored with calm and respect . ”
Printing with you wherever and whenever you want.
Marco Neirotti and Miriam Rebaudo
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