Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Unlock Italian Decree, the Minister Lupi: “Part of the shell in … – The Press

Unlock Italian Decree, the Minister Lupi: "Part of the shell in … – The Press


Unlock Italian Decree, the Minister Lupi: “Part of the shell in the law of stability”


 Expected for the Council of Ministers on Friday the measure. But it remains the node resources. Yesterday the meeting between Prime Minister Renzi and Padoan. And the head of Transport reassures: “No controversy”




“You are working in these groups, without controversy, and there is no difference of opinion between the Minister of Finance, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Transport to get to the Council of Ministers on Friday with the declination of the points of the Italian Unlock with shells. ” The Minister of Transport, Maurizio Lupi, when asked at the Meeting of Rimini on the problem of shell Unlock the Italian states that ‘the Unlock Italy and the Law of stability are traveling in parallel. It is likely that part of the shell will be brought forward and will start with the Italian Unlock not leave uncovered for four months, some will start in January with the Law of stability. ”

The meeting Renzi-Padoan

Yesterday, the meeting between the Prime Minister and Economy Minister Pier Carlo Padoan, which lasted more than an hour. At the center of the confrontation just hedging purposes to cover the decree Unlock Italy. The star also known as the ‘program of the Thousand Days’ means a package that Renzi considered as the heart of the reform strategy of the government and that he, as well as in Unlock-Italian school and justice, the other pillars of the reform of labor and in the Public Administration. No coincidence that the Prime Minister has applauded the move by the Minister Marianna Madia on halving union leave, a further sign – he said to his – that the government is serious.

The two matches of the Prime Minister: Italy and nominations Ue

In the coming days, Renzi play two games in parallel: one in Rome, in the Council of Ministers on Friday, and the other to the EU Council of Saturday, when could take the appointment of Federica Mogherini a new “Lady CFSP.” The match, with the advance of time, it is downhill and in the coming days Renzi will have an additional round of phone calls with EU leaders to try to lock down the nomination of Mogherini and give further impetus to the flexibility that Italy calls for all ‘ Europe, not as a concession, but as a turning point in the recovery. And the first cracks shown by the German economy and the split of the French Government could do to those who play Friday put on the plate reforms Millegiorni.

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