Sunday, January 31, 2016

Cirinnà bill, the government after the Family Day: “It goes on all points” – BBC

Milan , January 31, 2016 – 14:10

The day after the big event at the Circus Maximus of the Family day the government’s position on the text Cirinnà-civil unions, including the “stepchild adoption” (legal recognition of the natural child of the partner) does not change. “It goes on,” are the watchwords. This does not mean that there will be no change, the fact remains that the bill will then Parliament and discussion in the classroom to give the result of policy and legislation in all the debate arising from the events of last week and rainbow families from the Family day yesterday.

shadow carousel


Family Day in Rome, all the slogans from? Italy


From Tuesday to Senate

From Tuesday fact the Senate once heard all the speeches, they will vote the ruling of constitutionality to the text and then immediately begin the votes of merit. It is likely that the final vote, which at first was scheduled for 11 February, be postponed for a few days. But is absolute will of the government to reach the final vote by mid-February. The law will be, we need to see now what text on civil unions will be the final one. The focal point remains that of the “stepchild adoption”, if will become part of the new law in the current formulation or if you veer towards a compromise, such as the amendment Marcucci-Pagliari on pre-adoption. It is on this point that there is still no agreement within the Democratic Party, and the government wants to look to the last to arrive at a compromise, not by carving entirely legal recognition (or adoption, you will see in what form) by text of the law, not distorting it.

compromise with Catholics dem?

The front critic of Catholics dem seems now to move towards a more soft, compromise, the most radical departure. Tuesday, the group Pd Senate, will be established on which amendments will be allowed freedom of conscience. Surely there will be those related art.5, or the “stepchild”. Without prior agreement in the meeting of the group, everything will be entrusted to a vote in the Senate. Votes that, most likely, will be secret. The line, as said yesterday the new minister with responsibility for Family Enrico Costa, “on civil unions takes patience, we must start from the points shared. Nothing forces in Parliament. “

January 31, 2016 | 14:10



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