Friday, January 29, 2016

Civil unions, the attack of CEI: are “alternative” to the family – BBC

Milan , January 29, 2016 – 24:07

” The equalization current between marriage and civil unions – with the introduction of an alternative to the family – was It addressed within the larger concern for the cultural change that runs through the West. ” So the IEC at the end of the Episcopal Council. Interventions “has expressed awareness of the Church’s mission of having to proclaim the Gospel of marriage and the family, defending the identity of its natural shape, whose features are incorporated into the Constitution itself.” The CEI said that “the difficulties and trials of family – and with its beauty, uniqueness and centrality – have been widely underlined by the bishops, in recovery and deepening of the content offered in the opening address of Card. Bagnasco,” recalling, among ‘ other, “the identity and unique institution of marriage” and “the demand for family policies consistent and effective.”

The new poverty

On plan of the new poverty, the Permanent Council of Bishops has expressed “a Church close to the people, which did not hesitate to raise their voice here families struggling to make ends meet, many of which are not able to meet even basic needs; here is the scourge of unemployment, which are not enough to deal with the calls for solidarity, but we need a new, strong entrepreneurship and community welfare; here is the concern for the demographic winter, the call for greater support for the rights of children, from conception, and the complaint about the absence of effective family policies. ”

The words of Bishop Pennisi

On the issue of civil unions also intervened Bishop Michele Pennisi, Archbishop of Monreale: “The Holy Father Francis reiterated recently that “there can be no confusion between the family willed by God and every other type of union.” The rock of the difference is critical to re-weave the human who is likely to be pulverized in an otherwise undistinguished egalitarianism erasing sexual difference and the right of children to have a father and a mother. “

The controversy

The words of the bishops have triggered reactions from politics. “The civil unions are not marriage, unfortunately. They are a different thing, a different legal institution. So the CEI should not have problems, do not understand why to alarm you, “said Paola Tanning. According to the senator Manuela Repetti (Ala): “The new project of the bishops on the eve of the Family Day and the parliamentary debate on civil unions, the opposition political powers irresponsibly and artificial divisions in the country.” Roberto Calderoli, a different view: “They said things sacrosanct.”

January 29, 2016 (modified January 29, 2016 | 15:06)



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