Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Mattarella the Day of memory: “Auschwitz is a black hole ‘- BBC

Milan , January 27, 2016 – 12:38

” Many decades separate us, today, to the season of unprecedented horrors and the number of survivors and witnesses of that tragedy thins year after year. However the commemoration of 27 January has never taken on a static ritual. ” Thus, the head of state, Sergio Mattarella, during his speech at the Quirinale for Memorial Day, remembering that Auschwitz “does not abandon us. Instead constantly challenges us, forces us each time to return to the brink of the abyss and look into his eyes and his mind full of pain and moral revolt. “

” illusion raise new walls “

President Mattarella expressed sympathy and gratitude to the survivors. He recalled how important “not to forget”, spoke of the “slippery slope of nationalism,” which “generate distrust, growing rivalries, conflicts, hostilities: a slippery slope that we lived in the twentieth century and to which enlightened statesmen have opposed integration European. It is alarming – he added – that this risk of tarnishing, in Europe, in the sensitivity and common agenda of some governments. ” He then spoke of the risk inherent in ” raise new walls and an unlikely national research in the lost sovereignty. ” “Auschwitz reminds us of what horrors may be capable man”: and we should not underestimate that even today “aberrant theories, hatred and fanaticism are shedding innocent blood in so many parts of the world,” said the president, stressing the dangers of the Quirinale “other types of murderous racism, discrimination and intolerance that spread through the web.”

absolute Evil

The absolute evil” is “a daily demon that can be found nestled in the bottom darker soul, ready to reappear under certain historical circumstances and spread with the power of a virus, turning into a mass phenomenon. ” He reminded the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella emphasizing the Quirinale that “no one, today or never, can escape from the weight that the Shoah placed on the shoulders of humanity.”


Prime Minister Matteo Renzi He sent a message on Twitter to remember the victims of the Holocaust: “I remember the trips to Auschwitz with Nedo and students. Never! #giornatadellamemoria, “he wrote. While Interior Minister Angelino Alfano wrote: “#Giornata memory: for the victims, for all of us, because the memory is the redemption of the people, because young people know. #mai more #Shoah. “


The official ceremony was held at the Quirinale, in the Hall of Corazzieri. The President of the Republic handed over the Medals of Honor to a group of former prisoners and deportees. Many years separate us from the “season of unprecedented horrors, and the number of survivors of that tragedy tapering”, said the head of state. The ceremony involved the winning schools of the fourteenth edition of the “Young people remember the Holocaust” organized every year by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Union of Italian Jewish Communities.

January 27, 2016 (modified January 27, 2016 | 13:12)



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