Friday, January 22, 2016

Civil unions, the Senate avalanche of amendments to the bill Cirinnà. Renzi: “Law irrinviabile” – The Republic

Rome – So far the amendments to the bill on civil unions were only announced by the opponents of the measure. There was time to the 13 of today to present to the Senate, where the law will arrive on January 28. And in the end they arrived about 6 thousand. Of these, about 5 thousand were delivered only by the Lega Nord (who on other occasions has expressed his disagreement with shopping carts loaded with proposed amendments). The way the law could therefore complicate even though the premier Matteo Renzi , in the direction of the Democratic Party, reiterated: “For the Democratic Party the law is not put off. You have to try until the last point of agreement but then you have to go and vote in the classroom. And the search for compromise can not be the tool to not get to a vote. “

Other centossessantacinque amendments are signed senators Idea (identity and action) and PI (Popular for Italy). The first (Andrea Augello Luigi mate, Carlo Giovanardi and Quagliariello which, remember, founded in November 2015, the movement ‘Idea’, placed in the Senate within the group Big Autonomy and Freedom) have signed a hundred, to which has added its support to the popular Italy Mario Mauro, who in turn have presented sixty-five, also signed by Senators Idea. Senator Forza Italy Maurizio Gasparri said that the Blues have presented some three hundred changes, raising the issue of the alleged unconstitutionality of the law (a point already disavowed and made clear yesterday by Monica Cirinnà, Democratic senator and first signatory of the bill, during videoforum Repubblica TV).

Another sixty amendments senators and senators of the Democratic Party. These proposals of the individual, none of which was signed by its chairman. Sixty of the proposed amendments, nine are those presented by members of the Catholic party. In particular, remain the two amendments, announced in recent days, on the transformation of stepchild adoption in “foster care strengthened” and on the uterus for rent, ie the “prohibition of the practice of surrogacy” made by an Italian citizen abroad without however, providing for, nor for those who make surrogacy or for those who organize, no increased penalties.

Finally a dozen amendments before signing Beppe Lumia, the Democratic leader in the Judiciary Committee, are intended to find a “balance” between the various areas of the Democratic Party. For example, those that minimize any reference to the sections of civil unions of the Civil Code governing marriage (just to point out the difference between the two institutions and meet the demands of Catholics after the warning of Pope Francis this morning). Or those on the stepchild adoption, where it is made clear the long process leading to the adoption, by specifying that the law does not provide for any automatic, but the final decision will always be left to the Juvenile Court.

Moreover yesterday Cirinnà did not exclude “amendments to improve article 5,” what on adoptions for ‘precisely. And today commented: “With amendments another decisive step towards civil unions. I enjoyed parliamentary work these days to submit the amendments to improve the text of the Democratic Party. The time is ripe – he concluded – because Parliament also fill the inexcusable delay for which our country has been condemned by the European Court and invited to ask as soon as possible remedy “.

Meanwhile, as successive spots (such as” Yes, I do “), initiatives and appeals of singers (the last of Laura Pausini) sports, chefs, writers, musicians and actors in support of the law, Arcigay and other associations LGBT (ArciLesbica, Agedo, Rainbow Families and Mit) recalled not to miss tomorrow mobilization #Svegliatitalia of rainbow families in a hundred squares in Italy, which were added principals arose spontaneously in London, Copenhagen, Dublin, Limerick, Berlin, Frankfurt and Monaco.


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