TUSCANY can not do anything. I’m convinced the Ministry of Health after the resounding back on heterologous fertilization. The minister was Lorenzin entry into the Council of Ministers on Friday, with the text already “bollinato,” as they say in technical language, has come up with the decision ?? jack …
TUSCANY can not do anything. I’m convinced the Ministry of Health after the resounding back on heterologous fertilization. The minister was Lorenzin entry into the Council of Ministers on Friday, with the text already “bollinato,” as they say in technical language, has come up with the decision ?? taken unanimously by all ?? government ?? the hot potato that is entrusted to the Chambers. Wanted a turn with the decision by Renzi, to the point of convincing the Minister of Health “have been passed over to the right” by his colleagues in the Democratic Party.
Prime Minister has expressed a willingness to delegate the delicate matter to Parliament, also to avoid further tensions in times of constitutional reforms and economic crisis.
?? remains the need to standardize what could prove to be a far west between regional laws and initiatives of individuals, because many lawyers believe that the judgment of the Constitutional Court repealed the prohibition of heterologous did not need the finishing touch of a decree, or even of a law itself. But even in this field Lorenzin thinks he has an ace up his sleeve. The verdict, in fact, refers to ‘introduce’ the heterologous practice in Italy and not to ‘reintroduce’. A major difference that provides ?? assist the Minister to support the ?? urgency of the legislation.
ABOUT Tuscany, who has published on August 6 Official Bulletin regional resolution that establishes guidelines for assisted reproduction in Ministry are convinced that this is just a bluff. The Governor Enrico Rossi has, however, made it clear that in the region there will be equally and that the 22 towns in the area are ready to go. Yesterday he reiterated, cryptically: “There is no legislation that goes against the consultation that has lifted the ban on all ?? heterologous.” “I believe ?? Rossi added ?? the problem is to adjust the ?? implementation through technical methods. ” But experts note ministerial, regional expertise is used to establish rules of application compared to existing national regulations. In this case, the national laws are not there. Rossi would be backs to the wall for another reason. He predicted that the practices (very expensive) are introduced by the National Health Service. But, reflecting the Ministry, if the State does not allocate funds to the region where it takes you?
If the Tuscany remains the blocks and Nas ?? as pointed out by the Minister ?? check that the prohibition is complied with, the chaos should not lash out. Will rage, this is certain, that of legal appeals.
Yesterday, the Speaker of the House, Laura Boldrini, has made it clear that it is better to get a move on. “The company ?? said ?? is ahead of the policy and this is not good. If the policy remains behind citizens organize themselves independently. ” On the sidelines of heterologous question, the decree contained an article to prohibit the use of stem cells to ?? Hospitals of Brescia. Thanks to a measure of ?? former Minister Balduzzi, who has already started the treatment can continue it for compassionate reasons. Lorenzin attempted to stop this practice. But it did not.
Silvia Mastrantonio
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