Not only Tuscany. Now even Lazio, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Piedmont regions to guide the Democratic Party are pushing for starting and begin as early as September heterologous fertilization in authorized centers.
A pressure that seems a challenge to the Minister of Health Lorenzin after the Council of Ministers rejected the idea of proceeding by decree. But also an invitation to Parliament to intervene quickly defining the new guidelines.
The interview with the Messenger from the President of the Constitutional Court Giuseppe Tesauro has cleared the field from interpretations. Clear that in the light of the judgment delivered on 9 April by See ‘there is no legal vacuum, the heterologous you can do as long as you meet all of those posts that Law 40 has set for assisted procreation. “
It goes without saying that the theme is slippery. Renzi, who knows, it moves with consummate prudence. Amongst reiterated that “the law is,” the “interpretation gives the Constitutional Court, and if he wants the Parliament can change.” The law, however, just “there.” And in no way, however, the Prime Minister wants to be dragged “into the meat grinder of an ideological decree on ethical issues.”
Assuntina Morresi, the expert in bioethics from the most listened Lorenzin discourages regions “by leaps forward that would jeopardize the health of newborns.” As for the minister, the Lorenzin had hinted that his silence, choosing not to comment on the words of the President of the Constitutional Court, was in line with the position of the prime minister himself, in response to requests of reply: “And ‘Renzi that asks. “
From Palazzo Chigi, however, no confirmation. In short, that is not run in the same direction albeit along two coplanar is quite evident. “What is missing is an update of the guideline firm in 2008 – notes Filomena Gallo, secretary of Coscioni – if then there will be some irregularity is a desirable intervention Nas but can not be used as a means to block the heterologous, as appears from the words of the minister. The charge that is moved to Lorenzin and he wrote a decree restraining order to oppose an amendment to the Constitutional Court.
The president of the Tuscany region, Enrico Rossi goes on. And soon there will also be the Lazio: “We are carrying out the accreditation of the facilities – says Alessio D’Amato, to which the President of the Region Nicola Zingaretti has entrusted the control booth of Health – will follow the model Tuscany.”
Pressures also the President of the Friuli Venezia Giulia, Debora Serracchiani, the spokesman dem. The Department of Health Luca Coletto, coordinator of regional councilors, intervening yesterday to the Conference of Regions announced that “since September will be able to start a confrontation with the Minister and the Parliament.”
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