Approved Article 2. Oppositions outside the classroom
The Senate of the Hundred takes shape. Between screams, shouts and abandonment of the House, the Senate reform Renzi license plate goes a step further, and Article 2 establishes that the new shape – end of direct elections, 95 senators from the local governments and five selected by the Chief State – was approved with 194 yes, 26 no, and eight abstained. Very few dissenting votes, because the league and the M5S decide to exit from the Chamber, “against this most disgusting,” as defined by the parent pentastellato Vito Petrocelli, who has “misinterpreted the concept of the Constitution as an act of love.”
But one hundred is the key number of the day yesterday, because there are so many senators – from Sel, League, M5S, but also dissidents of Forza Italy as Minzolini and the group to Italy as Mauro and May – who signed a letter to denounce the violation “systematic parliamentary rules,” the “uncertain and contradictory conduct of the work of the House,” the “interference and provocations” of the government and the Prime Minister Renzi. One third of the current composition of the Senate, and many of these do not show more of their desks in a sort of Aventine or “conscientious objection,” as defined grillini. “How can we imagine to be able to launch such an important constitutional reform recording the benches of the Senate in the absence of major political forces?”, Asked the former minister in the House forzista Francesco Nitto Palma. But for now this is so, and after a tumultuous day on Thursday, which ended the night with fainting and bruising, yesterday left the Chamber and the League M5S (which are compared in a good meeting morning, Sel takes a different decision and remain in the House after an opening by the government and an interview with the Minister of Forests) causes the majority proceeds sent, so as to get the approval, in fact, Article 2, which means have filed more than 4,500 of the nearly eight thousand amendments and see the possibility of concluding the first reading in short, in the time it took from the government. “The approval of Article 2 marks an important step forward to get there, in time, to achieve the goal,” welcomes the Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party, Lorenzo Guerini. Satisfied even the Prime Minister: the “Aventini” who accuse him of being provocative, seraphic reply that “in the Senate I heard her scream” you can not, you can not “I do not want to quote the U.S. but we are the ones of the” can do “. Enough with the logic of not. ”
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