Saturday, August 9, 2014

Renzi at the gathering of the scouts: the visit of the Prime Minister in Pisa with his wife – Corriere della Sera

Renzi at the gathering of the scouts: the visit of the Prime Minister in Pisa with his wife – Corriere della Sera

Milan , August 9, 2014 – 13:56


SAN ROSSORE (Pisa) – Blitz surprise Matteo Renzi Route National scout who is being held in the Park St. Flushing. The Prime Minister, accompanied by his wife Agnes and children, arrived just before 14 and was greeted with a standing ovation from some of the boys (there are over thirty thousand) that Wednesday are experiencing one of the most extraordinary Agesci, the ‘Association of Catholic Scouts. Renzi, after an interminable series of selfie with the phone, he attended a meeting of a group of rovers and scouts who are working on the Charter of Courage, a sort of commandments for young people. The premier, who has had a past scout and he was in the AGESCI tasks at the highest level in the organization and communication (he was also editor of the magazine of the scouts), appeared overjoyed, hugged the kids and had lunch together at and their families. At lunch Renzi met the president of the Chamber Laura Boldrini, who had spent the morning at St. Flushing.

To visit also minister Pinotti

Sunday morning Renzi will still be at St. Flushing, this time in an official capacity, and will participate in the 10 am Mass at large that will close the Route. That today was a great day full of visits to the City of the scouts. In the morning came the Route to the Speaker of the House Laura Boldrini who has participated in a round table dedicated to violence. Even the Minister of Defense Roberta Pinotti, who is also a past as a scout, he decided to visit the Route and after a brief greeting with the presidents of the national committee of Agesci, Pinotti has met the boys through the curtains. It was almost moved when he received the `fazzolettone’, recalling his long history of scouting. Friday was Maria Chiara Carrozza, former Minister of Education and scout convinced, to salute the children of the Route.

August 9, 2014 | 13:56



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