History article
This article was published on 13 August 2014 at 06:38.
And now? What will you do now Luca Zaia after the appeal before the Constitutional Court of the two advisory referendums, one on independence and the other on autonomy, approved by a majority of the Regional Council of Veneto last spring? The theme mobilizes the opinions of constitutionalists. Speaking of battery life while in Rome discusses the reform of Title V of the Constitution, a hierarchy between center and periphery is anchored on the preeminent role of the state and the formula peremptory ‘national interest’, may appear out of place. But an architecture that brings a little ‘order in the conflict between exclusive and concurrent legislation, enshrined in the old system, Title V, may reopen a question, that the autonomy of Veneto, like an underground river that runs through all the seasons of this region-lab.
Zaia, in the aftermath of the appeal of the two referendum at the hands of the Minister of Regional Affairs Maria Carmela Lanzetta, made statements to the fire: “It is an injustice to which we will oppose with all our forces. ” He continues: “Rome, the government and the state apparatus with its powerful want to deny the Venetians and their elected representatives in the regional council to express a choice, a will.” Statements which are followed by the most diplomatic of the President of the Regional Council, Clodovaldo Ruffato: “I understand the appeal on the Regional Law 16 (referendum on independence, the petitioner, the former UDC Stefano Valdegamberi, ed) because they insisted that this had been done elements of unconstitutionality, but I do not understand the appeal at all 15 of the regional law on the referendum on autonomy: the government is there anyone who does not understand the demands of Veneto and teases us. ” Strong words, but, in fact, words. Many observers note that no senior member of the regional government has lifted a finger in expectation of a straight leg, widely discounted by the Executive. Says Mario Bertolissi, constitutionalist to the university of Padua, and a student of Livio Paladin, father of the Italian regional law: “The Constitution is clear on this issue. It is the Parliament that has to grant autonomy to the regions who request it. And to do that it is essential to initiate a negotiation between Venice and Rome, without which, in the light of the case law, the state will continue to raise up and win the conflict in front of the Consulta, as indeed has already happened in 1992 and 2000 in The Veneto In any case, it should leverage on the free expression of thought that is intrinsic to each referendum. A value protected by the Constitution. ” On the same floor Stelio Mangiameli, Professor of Constitutional Law and Director of the Institute for Regional Studies and the autonomy of the federal National Research Council: “The third paragraph of Article 116 of the Constitution has always offered the possibility to vary the autonomy of the regions. As long as you start a political process. ”
Mangiameli, about the plebiscite of 1866 which marked the entrance to the Veneto in Italy, cites a passage of the Gattopardo: “It was all over in plebiscites scam. The difference is that in Veneto were counted 69 votes against, while in Sicily, as noted by the Prince of Salina, there was not even an opponent, a sign of the accession uncritical of the Sicilian people. ”
To complicate the situation in the Veneto are the lead times for the delivery of the consultation, which usually emits the sentences one year after the appeal. But in Veneto in the spring you vote to renew the regional council. If the outcome is obvious, as they all seem geared to believe, Zaia, candidate for the center-right to a second term, there remain only two possibilities: either ride the theme of autonomy in the long campaign, or force the hand and call a referendum in parallel with the regional, dramatically reducing the cost of the consultation.
In favor of the tear would also include the Veneto entrepreneurs. In a survey by the Foundation Northeast, on a panel of 155 industrial, over 95% were in favor of a more effective autonomy, in practice the special status, which could be worth $ 20 billion more in the regional banks. A wide majority of entrepreneurs per euro, despite the catastrophic readings of a minority that supports the exit from the common currency. The front of the euro area and the accession to NATO common-independence Plebiscito.eu too. A sign of maturity that now it’s up to Zaia and members of the regional council to translate into concrete actions.
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