Monday, October 31, 2016

Earthquake: Renzi,is not it time divisions; Grillo, ready to collaborate –

in Front of the tragedy of the earthquake Matteo Renzi, ask the unity to the political forces, overcoming the “controversy and division”. The appeal is raised by all the parties, since the Five Star Movement.

But the Strength of Italy calls on the government to “stop the propaganda”. The request of the unit, enhanced by Palazzo Chigi in view of parliamentary consideration of decree on state aid in favour of those who had damage in the earthquakes of August, comes after the promise of a total reconstruction of the areas devastated by the earthquake. A reconstruction which is not limited to the houses thrown down by the shock but also of the artistic heritage and cultural and commercial enterprises, the soul of a territory, wounded and offended by the violence of the earthquake. For this Renzi calls on the policy of “stop the controversy absurd.”

The reference must be to the fuss sparked by a post of a senator M5S, immediately sconfessata also from his own Movement. But, above all, to the parliamentary examination of the decree, started in recent days in the Senate and that will have to go to the Room. “We now recognize the priority: a bank account are the divisions between the parties, the legitimate and the salt of democracy, the other what are the polemics about the earthquake,” stresses the chairman of the Board (finding identical echo from the Hill) announcing tomorrow a Council of ministers extraordinary to make a first assessment of the damage of the earthquake and to take the first commitments.

“I hope that the political forces stop fighting and be united to Italy”, is the wish of the premier, clearly shared by the Pd and that, in general, finds open doors in political parties: from the M5S. “In situation of emergency, exceptional must be an exceptional response,” reads a post on the blog of Beppe Grillo published while Renzi speaks. “Since 24 August, the M5S has given his availability to collaborate and propose solutions to help the affected populations, in a short time. We do soon.” Even the League, with Roberto Calderoli, ensure “all possible efforts, because the rebuilding of the affected areas takes place in a short time, is complete and allow you to make sure that all of the buildings in case of earthquakes”. And “available to discuss and support all measures for the reconstruction is the Italian Left”.

Brothers and sisters in Italy does not fail to support: “we can defend, prevent, and rebuild. We can answer compact, work shoulder-to-shoulder. Brothers of Italy has already presented many proposals to be submitted to the government in the aftermath of the shock of August. Are available. We are at your disposal”, he writes in the evening, Giorgia Meloni. The appeal, Renzi also responds Forza Italia, but with a distinction. Renato Brunetta, ensuring that “without controversy” the support of the blue he warns: “to collaborate and dialogue must be at least two, and Renzi has made, and continues to do, instead, is all.” And by asking some questions, fact-asks if the absence of contacts with Fi or, more in general, with the opposition, on the part of Renzi is not due to ‘distractions’ referendum: “to remind you of our readiness to work together, mr President of the Council, writes the leader of Fi in the Room ̵ 1; we ask you, however, to do a bit of self-criticism and change behavior: you talk less, less interviews, less television, less press conferences, the less propaganda and more good government in the interest of the Country”.


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