Cut the salary to the members of parliament and fix it to 5 thousand euro per month. This is the heart of the proposal of the Movement 5 Stars, which is landed today in the aula of the Room. The text is the examination of the shareholders ‘ meeting without a mandate to the rapporteur and without that it has been possible to discuss the amendments submitted in the committee on constitutional Affairs. The proposed law is before signing Roberta Lombardi. The M5s speaks of a “historic day” and calls on activists to take to the streets tomorrow at 15 in front of Montecitorio. While Cricket, who is already come to Rome for tomorrow’s event, in a new post accompanied by a picture of her dressed as a friar renewed his appeal to dem to vote for the law: “If you do, you hug. #Siategenerosi. Citizens look at you: don’t disappoint us”.
Allowances of parliamentarians Currently the net amount of the monthly allowance of the mps is equal to 5.246,97 euro, gross of income tax and additional regional and municipal (for members who carry out an activity to which to perceive an income equal or more than 15 per cent of the parliamentary allowance, the amount of the same is further reduced to 5.007,36 million euros). The present proposal of the law is fixed at 5,000 euros, gross of withholding tax and of social security contributions, the salary for the twelve months. In addition, members of the Parliament is not recognized any additional allowance, honorarium or reimbursement of expenses, to the performance of other positions internal to the Chamber membership.
Refunds of expenditure The proposed law works on the discipline of the sums paid to the members of parliament reimbursement of expenses of stay, travel and accommodation in Rome. At the moment, the law provides that the Offices of the Presidency of the two Chambers to determine the amount of the allowance on the basis of fifteen days for each month, and no more than the mission bonus daily provided the judiciary with the functions of the president of the section of the Court of cassation and equivalent. The proposed change is to bring in a direct manner the institution of the allowance to its nature of reimbursement of expenses; the recognition of repayment of the expenses incurred for accommodation is therefore limited to the members of parliament non-residents in the municipality of Rome; in addition, refunds, today, awarded in the form of a lump sum, will be paid only for the expenses actually incurred and documented. Is fixed, however, a limit to the magnitude of the total claims, amounting to 3,500 euros per month. Article 3 also stipulates the total amount, equal to 3.690 euro per month, attributed to the members of parliament for the exercise of the representative mandate and to be able to rely on advisers and contributors.
Compensation on termination the mandate With article 5 provides for the abolition of the institution of the grant of end-of-term (equal to 80 percent of the amount of gross monthly compensation for each year of the mandate of actual or fraction of not less than six months), while for the members of the Parliament introduced an allowance for the termination of the mandate, the calculation of which is informed to the rules provided for the severance indemnities due to employees.
social security System article 6 incorporates at the legislative level the resolutions of the December 2011 and January 2012 with the Office of the Presidency of the Chamber has passed the institute of living allowance; the norm, in fact, regulates the social security system applicable to the members of the Parliament: it is based on the method of calculation of contributions, substantially similar to the provisions applicable to public employees. In addition, the right to a pension accrues to the fulfillment of the sixty-fifth year of age, and is conditional on the exercise of the parliamentary mandate for at least five years actual. To this end, the parliamentarians are subject office payment of a contribution equal to 8,80 per cent of the allowance to the gross. The standard also provides for the suspension of the payment of the pension, if the parliamentary re-elected to the national Parliament, is elected a member of the european Parliament belonging to Italy , or component of a regional council or is appointed member of the national Government, regional councillor, or the holder of institutional post for which the Constitution or other constitutional laws provides for the incompatibility with the parliamentary mandate. The suspension is also provided in the case of appointment to the position for which the ordinary law provides for the incompatibility with the parliamentary mandate, where the amount of the allowance is more than 50 per cent of the parliamentary allowance. Such a regime of suspensions constitutes a derogation from the general rules, within which the hypothesis of the prohibition of the cumulation of the pension with other incomes were now abolished.
Maternity and paternity article 7 extends to the members of the Parliament, the regulations provided by the testo unico on the protection and support of maternity and paternity according to what is established for workers and employees, and their assimilated.
Transparency article 8 imposes a duty of transparency about the income and the expenses of the members of parliament and introduces a series of sanctions in case of ascertained irregularities. In particular, in the personal page of each member of the Parliament, the website of the Chamber membership, shall be published, with updates bi-monthly: the complex of the allowances paid to the member of the Parliament; the number of days for which, in the course of two months, the parliamentarian is the result present at the sessions of the Assembly and of the Commissions and has obtained the recognition of the reimbursement of the costs of stay and travel; the extract of the account of the credit card issued for the payment of living expenses, travel and accommodation on the part of parliamentarians; statements of expenses incurred for the exercise of the representative mandate and for the employees. In the event of irregularities, the Office of the Presidency of the Cha mber membership shall submit the statement of expenditure of the parliamentary party concerned to the verification by the Court of auditors, in order to the correct use of the funds awarded; at the end of the examination, where they are irregularities, apply a penalty ranging between twice and four times the number of sums that are wrongly attributed to the load of the funds made available to the parliament.
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