For the first twenty minutes, and then here and there every now and then also in the hereafter, seems to attend a conference entitled "The Dc and the governments in the '80s and '90s". With the same effect as soporific. The debate between Matteo Renzi and Ciriaco De Mita on the referendum begins in the name of fair play. And' all the president here and the president there.
Then, however, it passes from her to you. The tone changes, a disappointment for those who expected a comparison democrat. And sparks. Until the tranchant closed demitiana: Renzi", ” it is done".
Inevitable that blew in the eyes of the generation gap. And not only because it is objective. The president of the Council that gap rides him from the beginning to the end: on the other hand, how to respond best to D’alema, who says that it is the young that vote no? And it is precisely Renzi, in fact, to pull out the topic of public debt inherited from those management policies that, among those who did melted, there was just De Mita. "In those years – said the premier – we have gone from 57% debt-to-Gdp to 124%. If the Country has to pay a mountain of interests, it is because in those years, someone did the cicada, forcing us young people to make the ants". And the former president of the Council-certainly not if he keeps her. "I don’t do the reading catastrophic from you. The '90s were the last years of growth, there has been the debt, but also growth. In the last three years I do not think we have grown a lot."
The first shots are of the foil. Here is still De Mita: "I am listening to Renzi, I got the impression that he reconstruct the story not from the year in which it begins, but from the year in which arrived him". Then it’s up to the president of the Council. "You have made three dual-chamber and De Mita has participated in all three, all failed". Or still. "The Room of the autonomies is your proposal for thirty years, only that you have not done."
The former secretary of the Dc, criticises the haste with which it was drawn up the reform, but also the way in which it was written. "It is not aesthetically understandable", says so. And he quotes Napoleon. "He said that the laws must be ‘short and dark’". Matteo Renzi, of course, denies, remembering the six steps of parliament and the millions of the amendments presented. "I have the impression – says – that you have not read the reform." The president of the Board then the game is easy to retort, when De Mita accuses the government of having placed its trust on the ddl the Woods, mingling probably with the Italicum. "It never happened . And' the demonstration – replication – that we are immersed in a series of lies."
At this point in the game talk to the one on the other and interrupted each other is started, and virtually unstoppable. "Mica are the Pd where he speaks only of him," says the current mayor of Nusco. "The presidency of the Council – added later – you’re done, you are in every place, every where". Renzi smiles: "This turning point in the gospel of De Mita was not expecting it".
The one in front of the other facing each other and also two languages from very different between them. De Mita is able to pull out phrases that no one is azzarderebbe more to use in any tv debate. An example of that? "The way in which the reform – says – is a collection of wishes than a way that there is. While the legal rules true are the recovery of memory and of habits, it is the norm that urges virtuous behavior". Then the jab: "it’s something a little complex for one that has the speed of speech and thought as your own". The rejoinder: "I don’t know if the speed is in contradiction with the depth, but I don’t think interests anyone at home."
But there is a precise point where the debate changes and the two "contenders" of the yes and no part of the clutch. And' Renzi to open the dances. "Your idea of politics is that it can change the party when they don’t give you a seat" on the premier, referring to disagreements with Veltroni. The aplomb De Mita jumps. "This is a vulgarity that I was not expecting, especially if said by who in politics has invented all. You have no right to speak of the morality of the policy. It is a profession that you want to manage in a way authoritarian". And then. "You made a party that commands only. Your interventions at the meetings should be published to see what has reduced the policy".
The conclusion is in good part dedicated to the famous "conjunction" between the reform and the electoral law. To De Mita will cost the premier’s defeat in the referendum. Even if Renzi reiterates the opening to the changes on the Italicum . Thus ends, with the former secretary of the Dc attacks. “Renzi is irretrievable, has such an awareness that sees no limits to his arrogance”. "The judgment, “answered the premier – the will of the citizens”.
See also:
Renzi: “Ready compared with Grillo”
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