There was also the corpse of a pregnant girl of about 25 years on board the ship 'Bruno Gregoretti, from which they landed this morning in the port of Naples 463 migrants. The refugees arrived at pier 21 in the port of naples from rescue operations along the libyan coasts.Among the migrants, many women and children (about twenty) that have received assistance, along with the other migrants, the rescue units and health, coordinated by the prefect Gerarda Pants, that is following the operations from sunrise.
"The organizational machine is working to perfection – says the BEND of the prefect – are busy men and vehicles of various institutions and voluntary organizations like the Red Cross, civil Protection of the Region, Municipality, Caritas in addition to the forces of law and order". About 160 migrants will remain in the Campania region and will be launched at the reception facilities in the provinces of Naples, Caserta, Salerno, italy. For a dozen cases it was necessary a health care particular.
A team of 10 doctors of the Asl and of the Cotugno, specialists in all diseases, are boarded up and have visited the migrants, a dozen young men was delivered to the white overalls, for suspected cases of scabies.
After a long wait on the bridge, because it was not in the gangway, the migrants were lined up on the pier for photo immediate, due to a close of the controls to the landing. They were photographed also children. In addition to women, a lot of guys between 13 and 20 years old, from eritrea, about ten children, a few elderly people.
For unaccompanied minors – who have the right to permit immediate – intervened in the municipal police with the nucelo the Protection of minors, coordinated by captain Sabina Pagnano, supported by Barbara Trupiano of the department of Welfare of Roberta Gaeta.
After the operations of identification of the 465 were accompanied in the gazebo to be refreshed and clothes. Almost all have arrived barefoot or with plastic bags on feet. Wearing only worn-out jeans and t-shirts of luck.
The civil protection has provided 600 pairs of slippers and 600 suits. Some have given jackets and blankets because they were cold. In small groups of thirty and then the migrants were accompanied to the Police station for identification.
The 465 migrants arrived in Naples only a part of the refugee relief efforts in the Mediterranean sea, and directed to reception centres in italy. The 465 will stay at the reception centers and the other facilities identified by the Prefectures between the provinces of Naples (180), Salerno and Caserta. The remaining part has already been diverted to other regions of the Centre and the South.
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