To the South, in the listening centres of the Caritas italians asking for help to get to the end of the month have passed the immigrants. And in Italy there is a real emergency youth, due to the crisis of the labour market that continue to penalize them. More decreases the age, the more poverty. Are some of the themes that emerged from the ratio 2016 of the Italian Caritas on poverty and social exclusion titledcommunicating Vessels', elaborated on the data of 2015, which addresses these issues compare to the situation in Italy and what is happening beyond the national boundaries. The report, the result of the analysis of the data and the everyday experiences of the more than two hundred of the diocesan Caritas operating in the country, comes the international Day of poverty: for the occasion, l'Eurostat made well-known that the Peninsula is on the fourth place in the Eu increased (+3.2 percent), the risk of poverty between 2008 and 2015, behind Greece (+7,6%), Cyprus (+5,6%) and Spain (+4.8 percent).
THE POVERTY INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO the AGE – According to Istat data, in Italy live in a state of poverty 1.58 million families, for a total of almost 4.6 million people. This is the highest number since 2005. "The most difficult situations are those faced by the families of the south – explains the relationship – to those with two or more children of the underage, families, foreign, by families whose head of household is seeking employment or worker, but also from the new generations". And the last one is a historical first brought to light by the analysis of the Caritas, which overturns the old Italian model: "absolute poverty is inversely proportional to the age, decreases with the increase of the latter". The crisis of work, in fact, continues to affect especially young people, and young is in search of a first job is a new job, but also the adults were without a job. On the other hand, according to the latest Istat data, the highest incidence of poverty is recorded among minors, the under 18, followed by the class of 18-34 years. On the other hand, over 65, unlike less than a decade ago, stood on the low levels of discomfort. The result is that of the more than 4.5 million poor totals, the 46,6% have less than 34 years (it is 2 million and 144mila people).
THE DATA OF the LISTENING CENTRES: more and MORE MEN AND UNEMPLOYED – Next to the data of Istat, the report provides data collected at the counselling centres promoted by the diocesan Caritas or connected with them (1.649 listening centres spread over 173 diocese). In the course of 2015, the people we met were 190.465. And here’s another news. "As in the past – says the dossier – the weight of foreigners continues to be in the majority (57,2%), but not in all areas of the Country." In southern italy the percentage of italians is equal to 66.6%. 2015 also marks another change in the trend: for the first time, there appears to be a substantial equality of the attendees, including men (49,9%), and women (50,1%), in the face of a long and consolidated the prevalence of the female gender. The average age of people who have turned to listening centres is 44 years old. The unemployed and the unemployed, together, represent 60,8% of the total.
Among the beneficiaries of the listening and the accompaniment is dominated by the people married (47,8%), followed by unmarried (26,9%). It is people with the license and media lower than the 41.4 percent, the elementary school (of 16.8%) or the license of school (of 16.5%). The needs or the most frequent problems that drove them to ask for help are mainly materials: economic poverty (76.9 per cent), lack of employment (57,2%), housing (25%) and family (13%). But the truth is that in many cases these difficulties are added to one another, making the situation even more complex.
THE POVERTY OF REFUGEES AND ASYLUM seekers – these data are added those related to refugees and to the asylum seekers. In 2015, you have landed on the Italian coast 153.842 migrants, mostly from Eritrea, Nigeria, Somalia, Sudan, the Gambia, Syria, Mali. the asylum seekers were 83.970, while ten years ago (in 2005) were a little more than 10 thousand. "In the course of 2015, refugees and asylum-seekers fleeing from the context of war that you are directed to the counselling Centres of Caritas were 7.770", the report explains. It’s more a case of men (92,4%), with a'between the ages of 18 and 34 years of age (79,2%), coming mainly from african States and south-central Asia. The bottom appears to be their social capital and cultural. Many cases of illiteracy (26,0%). The 61,2% in situations of economic poverty (extreme poverty or total lack of income). More than half (55.8%) did not have a place to live. These people ask for goods and materials services (meals to canteen, clothing, hygiene products) as well as a accommodation. "2015 has been defined as 'the ‘annus horribilis’ for the migratory movements, – says the Caritas – for the high number of refugees, displaced persons and the dead, but also for the weaknesses andegoism, which many Countries have shown in addressing the humanitarian emergency". In fact, "the european policy was fragmented, uncoordinated and in many respects inadequate and the images of walls and barbed wire clash with the ideals and principles of the great 'european dream', that of a continent without borders".