Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Referendum, the piazza del popolo, Renzi is half empty – The Tyrrhenian sea

ROME. People’s square becomes “piazza of the people”, “a square that is of the people,” “the piazza of the people”. From the opening title of the Unit to the tweet of the premier and of the government team: the people in the square, this is the story that Matteo Renzi proposes at the event that was supposed to be for yes in the referendum, but that becomes a great celebration of two and a half years of government. Flags, t-shirts, the pins, there is no need to bring them from home, there is someone who distributes them to the gazebo, just down from the bus coming from all over Italy – but few of the roman – who will return to the destination, promises the premier, “before Juve ntus – Napoli”.

the Referendum, the square Renzi sings Bella ciao A people’s square that is half full welcomes the premier at the event to promote the yes in the Referendum. Between the one who claims an identity of the left and those who only want the “change” (video of Andrea Scutellà)

The square, singing of "Bella Ciao". “Today in the square there is the people and not to populism,” says the premier of the stage, before launching his arrows against the face of no, “is the true party of the nation”, because he embraces the League, Forza Italia, the minority Pd, the radical left and the Cinquestelle. A people that fills just half of the square, however, more or less the same result recorded from the homologous Salvini a few months ago. But when the whole event is a nod to the eye: starting from the choice of music, mostly popular, in fact, with the typical songs of Amatrice, to represent the height and a Bella Ciao was sung with pride.

Event, Pd, speaks to Renzi: People’s square view from the top Here’s how it was piazza del Popolo in the moment in which the premier Matteo Renzi took to the podium for his speech at the closing of the manifestation of Pd in favour of the ” Yes ” in the referendum on constitutional reform(video di Marco Billeci)

There are also those who turn with the neck, the sign "old communist “yes," and those who retort with a "partisan” yes". A guy who holds the sign “Left to the “yes” tells us that the reform is of the left “because they are the most weak to have need of a stronger political, not business”. Another admits to have never identified in that policy: “I Think there are two ways of doing things: good or bad,” he explains. One of his companions tells us to want strongly to the “change” – another key word – “because I am 23 years old and has never changed anything.”

the Referendum, in the road back to Rome, the newspaper said, “The December 4 vote No” In the centre of the capital, from Trastevere to the Colosseum, some supporters of the No to the constitutional referendum have returned to use one of the older systems of propaganda: the newspaper talked about. “The December 4 vote No”, this and other slogans have been thrown from a car equipped with a megaphone to address passers-by Francesco Giovannetti

storytelling. The story of the successes of the government starts from the afternoon: it happens on stage stories for each legislative measure. There is the teacher assumed with Good School and moved from Naples to Florence, which ensures they have not been “deported”, there are entrepreneurs and workers that have hired or are hired with the Jobs act, farmers who have benefited from tax relief. But there is also the mayor of Lampedusa Giusi Nicolini, the symbol of hospitality, a victim of the caporalato and the deputy mayor of Arquata, one of the countries most affected by the earthquake. There is so much meat to the fire that when he goes out on stage the premier, highly acclaimed, has to do is say: “The discussion on the merits? It is 35 years that we are talking about it. Not been hasty, like me, is contested. The referendum on the merits is simple to explain. We are the only ones to have two Rooms that give confidence to the government. And we have the house and Senate formed in a different way, and down the mess-ups". So, all that remains is a way of the future, and change, all the rest leads to the past and preservation.

the Referendum, to the surprise Cuperlo in piazza del Yes, and the militants the clapping Contrary to what was declared on the eve, also the deputy for Pd and a representative of the minority dem Gianni Cuperlo has arrived in the piazza del Popolo for the demonstration called by the Democrats in favor of the ” yes ” in the referendum on constitutional reform. The militants in the square – well in the interviews, had harshly criticized the positions of the minority – they appreciated the gesture of Cuperlo and applauded and encouraged. The deputy Pd, however, takes the point: “I’m here with my beliefs, but without a political gesture of the president of the Council on the Italicum, I confirm my negative vote in the referendum”. And a man who urged to give a hand to Renzi, Cuperlo has answered: “it is also Necessary that he wants”di Marco Bil leci


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