Sunday, October 23, 2016

“The furniture of the house, a tv, and assumptions”. All gifts to the inspector unfaithful – The Day

Milan, 23 October 2016 – A new kitchen. Two small bedrooms. Other furniture for the home. A television. Approximate value: 10 euror. Here are the “gifts” according to the cards of the investigation, the rib of the other previous investigations, that thespettore police, Giuseppe Falcone would have received in exchange of a preferential lane at the immigration Office for the release of documents related to the permits of stay for non-eu citizens. the “Gifts” supposed to?, according to the survey of the Ninth section of the “squadra mobile”, from Giuseppe Colombo, mayor of Cernusco sul Naviglio i n the mid-Eighties and is now the president of the association “Voice social San Riccardo Pampuri”: in practice, Falcone, taking advantage of his position of head of the Office for political asylum (although it was in the posting of statutory auditors for some time, for his efforts in Sap), would have personally followed the practices of people (ofcases which are contested are 3) related in any way to the former first citizen. The accusation is very serious – bribery for acts contrary to the duties of officesor – and it’s already cost the policeman at fifty-six the precautionary measure of house arrest, ordered by the gip Teresa De Pascale. For Columbus, however, is taken on the temporary ban from the office of the president of the association of Cernusco.

Not only furniture for the home. Yes, because the episodes reconstructed from pm John Polizzi and listed in the long the order for custody are 7 (as well as 7 are suspects in total, including one for abuse of office), all concentrated between December 2014 and December 2015. In one case, the reconstruction of the investigators, Falcone would have got in exchange for the assumption in the Atm for the child; and also on this aspect there will be more insights from the mobile Team led by Lorenzo Bucossi. In the Police station there is very disappointed, as is always the case when events of the kind involving agents, but at the same time, it is emphasised that the surveys were in-depth and carthusian to get at the truth as quickly as possible. With regard to Falcone, defended by the lawyer Maurizio Pellicciotta the people close to him describe him tried: Tuesday, will be the interrogation of guarantee before the gip. In that seat, the now former sub-provincial commissioner of the Sindacato autonomo di polizia (Sap), as well as former president of the Association of Italian police will be called to reply to the accusations.

“I have full confidence in the judiciary and I hope that Giuseppe Falcone is able to prove his innocence. – know, the national secretary of the Sap, Gianni Tonelli –. The only thing I can say is that these facts are prior to the beginning of the new course of the Sap, and that have nothing to do with his activities as a union delegate”. The arrest of Falcone arrives two years from that of an official of the single desk for immigration of the Prefecture, caught in the act by the Mobile while intascava a bribe to speed up the nulla osta for family reunification purposes; in march 2015, the employee at the Palazzo Diotti was convicted in shortened to 2 years and 4 months imprisonment.


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