“Equitalia was a symbol of approach to cause distress. We keep it open as I said a year ago. Pay less, pay all.” So the premier Matteo Renzi on Twitter discuss the measures of the Budget in 2017, recalling that the Rai fee will drop to 90 euros, and that for health care there will be 2 billion more that will also serve to cancer drugs, vaccines, hepatitis C, and for the recruitment of “new doctors and nurses”. The maneuver, he adds, “but it contains other good measures from the money to low pensions to the school. From the competitiveness, investments”.
“who says that “they are only promises,” I remember that we are talking about a bill that has all the covers”. Writes the premier Matteo Renzi on Facebook about the package approved yesterday by the government. “There are those who every day feeds on controversy and attacks, insults, criticism. And he who, stresses Renzi – step-by-step, try to change things. The difference is all here: to debate or make policy”.
“I Am curious to understand what reliefs. The Eu wants to discuss our expenses immigration? I have an idea, a brilliant idea: start to give us their hand, while they are overcoming selfishness, and not solidarity. As soon as we begin to lend a hand, the costs will subside”. He said the premier Matteo Renzi at the TG1 responding to one who asks of possible findings on the part of the Eu on the maneuver.
“As do the opposition to vote no? No to the increase in money for Health care. No cancellation of Equitalia. No to the increase in money for the school. No to pensions. You can’t just say no. I hope that when you arrive in Parliament, the opposition can at least take his consent for Health care and pensions”. He said the premier Matteo Renzi at the Tg1.
Change in 2017, the tax reductions for hiring stable. With the operation there will be 700 million to finance discounts for those who assume, at the national level, young people from the path Guarantee for Young people, and by the alternation school-work, and for those in the south takes the under 29 or over 50. The discounts vary, depending on the category, from 100% to 50% (up to of 8,060 euro or to 4.030). In the event of a Warranty young people, there will be a discount, reduced, also for fixed-term contracts over 6 months.
The ‘sismabonus’ will continue starting from 50% but can reach up to 85% in the case of an improvement of 2 classes of risk. And’ this is the ‘strengthening’ of the incentive coming with the maneuver. The facility, which is ‘stabilized’ for 5 years, until 2012, applies to both condominiums, both for individual homes and you will be able to deduct, and then recover in 5 years instead of 10. The percentage of discount increases to 70 and 80% for homes and 75 and 85% of the condos, in case of an improvement. The roof of the expenditure is for the 96,000 euro per year. The ‘sismabonus’ will be worth by 2017, even for second homes, and production activities and may require the facility also who is in seismic zone 3 (instead of only 1 and 2 high hazard). And’ one of the ‘reinforcements’ of the incentive coming with the maneuver. Among the expenses deductible will be covered by those for the classification and seismic verification. It will also be possible to transfer the deduction on the common parts of the condominiums to third parties.
Forty thousand euro for each apartment, with a deduction of 65% that can get to 70% if it relates to the building envelope (coat) of the building and to 75% if it is proven with certification in the improvement of the energy performance in winter and summer. Are the new features provided by the eco-bonuses for members who introduce a mechanism to reward on the basis of results of fuel savings obtained. They will also be provided for random checks. The deduction, which provides for the recovery in 10 years or so, is stabilized until 2021.
A manoeuvre that swelled to 27 billion, which does not touch the health care fund and look at the “merit” and “fairness”. A maneuver that serves to Italy and that didn’t taste pre-election, stresses Matteo Renzi, highlighting the measures that will be funded in 2017 and in the coming years, that they continue in their footsteps since 2013, a tax cut. And launches its bet for growth, which, according to the premier, thanks to reviving investment and boosting competitiveness will let you see the Gdp even more than 1% indicated up to here, thanks also to the margins of the deficit that, for the next year, is set at 2.3%, three decimal places (about 5 billion) above that programmed in the update of the Def.
“Italy is still a good option but after two and a half years is a bit better than before, we are not happy, we are hungry of positive results, but Italy is better. Step-by-step”. So Matteo Renzi illustrating, with the slides, the budget law. In addition to the law on the budget we have approved “a dl that intervenes on the funds in 2016, the famous fund of the presidency and acts on the objective of the government to close the parentheses of Equitalia, opening a new chapter”. “The philosophy of the stability 2017 is merit and need, to keep together competitiveness and fairness, give a chance to those who test us and a hand to those who didn’t. The budget for 2017 is made of 6 chapters, the most important is the competitiveness,” on which there are “20 billion more years.” So the premier Matteo Renzi at the end of the Cdm which has launched the Budget law, citing interventions for Industry 4.0 and the superammortamento.”
Renzi: “Two selfie of Italy to the comparison, it is still a good option, but better than two years ago”
The financial commitment for the reception of migrants “is 0.2% and will be out of the Pact,” explained Renzi, announcing a ‘recognition’ to the auditors who so far have welcomed the refugees. The effort will be recognised through a bonus of 500 euros per person.
Among the new features, the canon Rai, which also next year will come down (to 90 euros), and ‘the operation Equitalia’, real control of the premier. The ‘old’ collection agency will be closed, bringing, however, a dowry of about 4 billion for the scrapping of the mechanism that multiplies the interest on the old folders. Farewell to Equitalia will come, however, with a decree to the part still in the way of filings. No remission, however, ensures that the chairman of the Board, even for the second edition of the voluntary disclosure, which should yield at least another 2 billion. “Who must pay pay for,” points out, only there will be less penalties and interest. ‘Save’ at the end also health care, who brings home for the next year, the entire increase of two billion expected. A billion, has explained the minister Lorenzin, will serve as the plan for the vaccines, for hepatitis C and cancer drugs, and for the stabilisation of 7 thousand precarious workers, including doctors and nurses.
“After many years”, stressed the minister, “the quality of the performance returns to the center”. The dowry for the pension that goes from 6 billion in 3 years to 7 billion and are not considered sufficient by the trade unions to the resources announced for the renewal of the contracts of the public administration ($ 1.9 billion, including the police and armed forces, and the new hires). The maneuver was approved in the cdm, “subject agreements”, a formula that implies a postponement of the definitive texts at the time of transmission official to Parliament, expected by 20 September. Before Thursday, almost certainly on Monday, the 17th, in Brussels will be instead sent to the draft budgetary plan, the Commission will make its assessments.
Franceschini, salt budget culture-tourism - “In continuity with the work done last year, also this budget contains measures that are extraordinary and of great significance for culture and tourism”. So the minister of Cultural Heritage, Dario Franceschini, on the law of the budget, stressing that “even in 2017 the budget of the Mibact is on the rise”. “It’s a great day for hoteliers and for the entire world of tourism. We are very pleased to see after so many years the word hotels, finally, in the law of stability”. The president of Federalberghi and senator Bernabò Bocca, does not hide his great satisfaction speaking with the associated press after the press conference with the premier Matteo Renzi has announced 3 billion for bonus restructuring, not only to buildings but also for hotels.
The so-called Ape of the ‘social’, aimed at “workers who are at least 30 years of contributions, if unemployed or disabled, or with relatives in the 1st degree with severe disabilities or for those who have reached 36 years of contributions when you work the so-called ‘heavy’ “, will “retire up to three years before without any charge up to 1,500 euros gross pension”. And’ what we read in the final communiqué of the Palazzo Chigi on the maneuver. Confirmed increase in the no-tax area and pile free of most forms of contribution.

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