Eumir Martinelli has done it. The policeman of the Scientific Brixen, in the province of Bolzano, was able to crown his dream: climbing mount Cho Oyu (8201 meters), the sixth highest peak in the world onHimalayas , on the border between China and Nepal. A company, the law on the account Facebook of the police Agent Lisa, carried out even without the aid of oxygen tanks.
Despite the conditions, the weather, adverse, changes climate and the storms sudden, Martinelli, managed to get to the bottom. The shipping which they took part lasted from 28 August until 8 October. The dream was realized on 30 September: "on The 29th of September I arrived in the company of the sherpa Nuru to the field 3 to 7,600 metres where there are refugees inside of our tent. On the night of 30 September at 3.30 in the morning, I and sherpa Nuru, under a sky invaded by the stars we started out with the intention of conquering the summit. The whole climb took place as a sort of endurance to exhaustion. At 13.15 the top has been reached, I then realized that my greatest accomplishment had been cut," said Martinelli.
An enterprise carried to term in spite of the bad weather: "I have personally found as the psychological strength and the head can really make the difference, by letting you continue even when the physical suggests that you should go back." Martinelli was the only Italian of the expedition to have achieved this milestone. With him to have climbed mount Cho Oyu other four foreign mountaineers.
"The agent had taken part in another expedition on theHimalayan about six years ago, ” he told the police – but the mental and physical had not allowed it to reach the longed-for summit. the Martinelli, after several facilities of the security police and mountain rescue, has always had a passion for the mountains. His love for this sport has led, also, to be a part of the Gruppo Sportivo Fiamme Oro Police from 1997 to 1999, in the discipline of alpine skiing", concluded the police.