the assumptions of The state, the reorganization of the departments, the money for the services of the Municipalities (but not those governed by the Pd), plans for the future of the participate and mobility: after a month of stall due to the chaos of the nominating committee, the council of the Rays has finally set in motion with its first, real steps. But there is a line that haunts all of the executive and, in particular, the new councillor Andrea Mazzillo: 31 December 2016, the date by which you have to approve the budget for 2017. To do so, however, you have to pull the belt and find other 234 million euro to cover the off-balance sheet liabilities that have accumulated and that have brought about the mayor-Rays to speak of the "far west" in the accounts of the Capital. For the time being in the Capitol flaunt optimism: "we will Honor all the deadlines of the law", says the minister. But it will not be easy, considering that to respect there is already a strict repayment plan. Also because in the middle of this operation may fail with one of the pawns is the hinge of the accounts of the capitoline: the head of the Accounting department, Stefano Stopping, is due to expire on 31 October and subject to no last minute surprises will be replaced. Who will come in its place, you will have to start almost from scratch in the most delicate moment. Not exactly the best for a budget that is already so complicated to close, how to recognize even in the environment 5 star s.
city PD cleaning: ASK for 1.5 MILLION – most of the efforts of the council for the Virginia Ray, at this time, is focused on the budget. The problems to find the new councillor have blasted the maneuvering bedding scheduled for 30 September: for the immediate needs on the territory will be individual variations to the budget. Like the one with which to start the month they were intended to 9 million euro, to social services of eight Municipalities. There are, however, other 7 to be satisfied, among which the first two are governed by the Democratic Party which for the moment have not received anything (with the inevitable controversy): in particular, the town Hall asked a million euro, of which 200 thousand to the social; the town Hall II 585mila euros, of which 280mila for social services that will no longer be guaranteed from the first of November. The opposition expects these fun ds (at least the ones for emergencies) within the next October 31, when you are approved for a new change, otherwise it will return to the office in the classroom. It is, however, "loose change", almost details compared to the real game that you play on the forecast budget 2017 and on another order of amounts: we speak of 4 billion euro, million more, million less.
MISSING 234 MILLION – Is the figure put in black and white on the repayment plan approved in July 2014 and that the M5s intends to comply with (unthinkable to do otherwise, for that matter). And it is this space of public finance in which Mazzillo must move, to net more concessions that the councillor has already asked but is unlikely to be accepted by the government. The delicacy of the operation is also demonstrated by the prudence of the official statements: none are unbalanced in numbers or conjecture. "The Municipality is working on the forecast 2017. It is not only us, but many local authorities to be in trouble", it is limited to say Mazzillo on the occasion of the presentation of Open Budget, an initiative which promises to make available all of the accounts of the last ten years, and to bring "the citizen at the centre of the administration". But with or without transparency, to be found 23 4 million euros by the end of the year, according to the estimate contained in the last report of the auditors.
At this time the accounting and the department are working to an estimate of the needs for current expenditures of all the Municipalities and Departments, not only on the basis of the historical (as they did in the past), but through the application of new indicators that take into account complex variables, and should lead to more detailed results. When will this census, it will attempt to restructure and streamline the costs by identifying and cutting the waste, to match with those 4 billion, and € 21 million indicated by the repayment plan, without having to make cuts too painful. In fact, you should also keep loose to absorb those debts. According to the pessimists, the hole may stretch almost to the 400 million euro, if the government would be less 110 million of extra costs for non-compliance of the plan (especially in the theme of the disposals of the subsidiaries). But this is an assumption that in the C apitol, nor do they want to take into consideration. To recover the money Mazzillo might also try to split the debts over a period of years, or ask the government for a loosening of the pact. It is not said, however, that the answer is positive.
CHANGE THE GENERAL ACCOUNTANT – In all this, a further element of complication is given by the rotation of the leaders in the Capitol. A procedure is standard practice, that the mayor Ray intends to manage a new system to bring in volunteers to "reward merit". Pity that, among the top figures involved, there is also the one of the general accountant: the true technician of the accounts of the capitoline change in the middle of the delicate preparation of the forecast. The current holder of the charge must be due to expire on 31 October: it is Stephen Stopping, the same manager who had made a lot of noise is with its charges to the management of the Rays. Replacement slow down inevitably the one that is already in a race against time. In fact, even within the group of 5 stars someone had suggested the extension at least until the end of the year, and with the approval of the budget by 2017. But the fuss raised in the last few weeks, and the armed truce that followed hardly allow his stay. "And if it so be, it will mean that we will have to deal also with this", say from the 5 stars. Make ends meet will not be simple.
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