Friday, November 25, 2016

Bad weather, fear and discomfort in Piedmont and in Liguria. Rivers is still under observation – Rai News

the count of the damage. Renzi: the emergency is not finished


Piedmont and Liguria have been invested with an exceptional wave of bad weather. There is at least one scattered. Rivers and streams which have burst their banks. Impassable roads, bridges closed, and communication made more difficult. Damage. The absence of drinking water in some centers. The displaced are hundreds of them.

The weather conditions are gradually improving, but the rivers Po and Tanaro remain under observation. “In four days fell, and the rain that usually occur in six months,” – said the head of the Civil Protection, Fabrizio Curcio. Landslides and mudslides have isolated several towns and villages, in many locations the road is compromised. Also electricity and drinking water is arriving in fits and starts. In Turin is not successful, the recovery of one of the two boats due to full had unhooked from its moorings: it was swept away by the current and sank.

Goes forward without stopping the work of the Fire Brigade and Civil Protection, the perturbation moves toward the south: 10 families evacuated at Croton, in Sicily, guarded special to the stream and Vegetables.

the president of The Council Matteo Renzi has visited Turin in the headquarters of the regional civil Protection, together with the president of the region, the mayor of the city, the capital of piedmont and of the head of the Department Curcio. The emergency phase is not over, we still await a full of rivers, Asti and Alessandria” – said Renzi – “no one can at the moment can afford to breathe a sigh of relief.”

“of Liguria has responded well,” said the head of civil Protection, Fabrizio Curcio, meeting in Genoa, the President of the Region of Liguria, italy, Giovanni Toti. Today was approved by the regional Council of liguria to the request of the state of emergency that the President Toti is sending to the Government.

Suspended the search for the lost Perosa Argentina
The research of Sergio Biamino, the 70-year swallowed up by the waters of the rio Labin, Perosa Argentina (val Chisone, have been suspended by the fire brigade and the civil protection shortly after the 13, to the impossibility of getting close to the rushing waters of the river towns of Labin and the Chisone, of which the rio is a tributary. The man slipped in the water when, along with his son, was trying to shelter some of the horses in the stable. Biamino, due to poor visibility, didn’t realize the ground collapsed along the bank of the stream and fell into the water.

Two boats dragged by the flood of the Po: one sinks
Valentino and Valentina, two boats for the tourist navigation on the Po river, in Turin, were dragged away by the force of the river, that has broken their moorings. The two boats are stuck under the arches of the bridge of the Great Mother, in the center of town. The attempt to recover one of the two boats failed. The boat turned on itself and began to sink, ending up under one of the arches of the bridge. The boat was dragged away by the current. Instead, it is managed the safety of the other boat.

Big trouble in the province of Turin
Are Moncalieri, Volvera, None, Prali and Perosa, the locality most affected by the bad weather in the metropolitan City of Turin. He said the mayor of Turin, Chiara Appendino. “In these areas there are great difficulties – says the first town – we will make the counting of damage, need of resources.” Among the main demands arrive in these hours, concludes the Hanger, “scooping”.

Police rescue 50-year-old in the province of Cuneo, twelve evacuated
the Tragedy touched in Monesiglio, Cuneo, where a man of 50 years old, came to the river Bormida to look around, and was surprised by a sudden forced to take refuge on a tree, on which he remained for about two hours. The man was rescued by the police and by the fire brigade, to recover it formed a veritable human chain. In addition, twelve people were evacuated in the afternoon with an Army helicopter from Pianchiosso, a village in the Municipality of Priola (Cuneo), with a strong hydrogeological risk and remained isolated because of the flood. The alarm is triggered to alert the fire department of Turin, in coordination with the civil Protection, have requested support to the Command of the air Operations of Poggio Renatico, who has immediately made available a helicopter UH205 34/or Group Squadrons of the Aviation of the Army. With three trips from Garessio to Pianchiosso the helicopter ha s transported food, medicines and water in the first round, catching the 12 people to return.

The damage that has already occurred in Garessio, where back to the nightmare of 1994
the memory of The flood of 22 years ago, which resulted in seventy deaths and damage to more than 20 thousand billion of the old lire, has remained indelible in these parts. And now that the rivers are returning to fear, and swollen by the incessant rains of the red alert, it is inevitable to go back to those dramatic days. “We are afraid, you are bordering on the situation of the ’94″, is the alarm of Sergio Di Steffano, mayor of Garessio, between the municipalities of the province of Cuneo, that are most affected by this violent wave of bad weather.

In Liguria alert downgraded to yellow
Meanwhile, the Civil Protection of Liguria has downgraded yellow alert for widespread rainfall and thunderstorms. The alert yellow will remain in force until 19 throughout the region.

difficult Situation in the Ponente ligure
But it was a real emergency that of the last hours in the western part of Liguria, especially in the Imperia and Savona, where he diluviato doing esondare various rivers, and forcing a hundred people to leave their homes for precaution reasons. The various fractions isolated, and the difficulty of the road system and the rail transport especially in the direction of Piedmont. Red alert, to the West, where the schools will be closed. In spite of the heavy rains and strong winds – for the governor of the ligurian Giovanni Toti is the perturbation to the worst of the last twelve years – there were no direct victims.

Liguria, italy, found the corpse fisherman dispersed. Young woman dies in road accident
Has been identified as the corpse of Mauro Costaguta, the fisherman, 73-year-old Whiteboard disappeared Tuesday evening while fishing at the mouth of the Entella. The body was identified on the cliffs adjacent to the harbour of Chiavari by the men of the harbour Master, who were patrolling the area with a raft and a helicopter. A student 16 years of age, died at Spezia in a road accident in the rain.


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