The Council of the Authority for guarantees in Communications, “he ordered Rai to be received within 24 hours the list of upcoming guests” of the That, after the participation of the premier Renzi to bet last Sunday to the transmission of Fabio Fazio, “to be able to assess the compliance of the conditions of equality of treatment” pursuant to the regulation of the Supervisory commission in the matter of par condicio ” referendum, “reserving the right to take emergency measures”. Dry the response of the giant audience of the Italian tv: “As already provided, the episode of Sunday 20 November That will also deal to a referendum, by hosting an exponent of the `no. In the day tomorrow, as usual, “explains Viale Mazzini – will be made known to the guest list”.
The examination of the monitoring
The Agcom decision was taken after reviewing the data on the last weeks of the campaign for the constitutional referendum. Today, the Authority has examined in particular the monitoring of the period of the referendum campaign, October 31 – November 13, 2016: based on the presences in tv broadcasting has ordered Rai – “as mentioned in the meeting of last November 10 at the quality of the concession of the public service” – to increase the time dedicated to the discussion of the referendum issue is in the news, both in the programs of study. A similar invitation is addressed to Mediaset and Sky. The Council Agcom has then invited the broadcasters to ensure a balanced presence of the different political forces, in the respect of the freedom editorial of the broadcaster the same. Called the Tg4 rebalance within the week the time word in favour of the reasons for “No”.
The dissent of a commissioner
All of these decisions were made by the majority, but without the consent of the commissioner Antonio Martusciello, who voted against “as choices adopted by the collegial Body does not reflect the practice followed in past campaigns, referendum and election, is from earlier this consiliatura”: Martusciello has announced then that “no longer take part in the meetings of the Council in respect of the par condicio”. In the opinion of the commissioner, the campaign on the constitutional referendum of December 4th, “has been characterized from the start by the close correlation between the topics referendum and the political, which has led the Authorities to decide in its rules to examine both the relative time of the referendum is the whole dedicated to the policy”. In the decision, however, according to the commissioner are not taken into account for this evaluation criterion: and so it was “there” the opposite of yes.
Gasparri: “Inevitable, Rai arrogant”
the Second Maurizio Gasparri, of Forza Italia, the treaty instead of a “decision inevitable,” caused by the “arrogance” of the director general of the Rai, the director of Rai Tre, Fabio Fazio and all of the managers of `That time ago. “We had privately solicited the vertices of Rai to give public notice of the inevitable presence of the supporters of the No – stresses Gasparri – we Had publicly asked the same thing, but by Rai the absolute silence, proof of the arrogance, bias and incompetence of those who today directs the public broadcasting service. Now, the Nra imposes an immediate response, yet another fool”.
the role of The Authority
The Authority for communications has the task of ensuring the fair competition between the operators on the market and to protect pluralism and the fundamental freedoms of citizens in the field of telecommunications, publishing, mass communication media and of the post office. Commissioners – elected, half by the Chamber of deputies and half by the Senate of the Republic – are 3 in all: in addition to Martusciello, there are Francesco Posteraro, Antonio Nicita. While the president, currently Angelo Marcello Cardans, is directly proposed by the president of the Council in agreement with the minister of economic Development.
November 17, 2016 (the edit on the 17 November 2016 | 22:25)
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