“You have had an excellent idea, besides…”. It was July of a year ago, dr. Leonardo Cazzaniga, 60 years old, medical doctor, anesthesiologist, talks with the nurse lover. The discussion revolves around the tip-off that the Prosecutor’s office opened a dossier on the strange deaths that occurred between 2012 and 2013 in the hospital of Saronno. The idea “brilliant” Laura Taroni, 40 years, from Lomazzo (Como), has been to cremate the body of her husband Massimo Guerra, who died at age 46 on 30 June 2013, and that of the mother, who opposed the relationship with the doctor and who — the suspect that the investigators — may have been she killed her with the drugs used as a poison. “Of the cremation they can not understand anything”.
shadow carousel
Saronno, suspicious death in the hospital, doctor and nurse arrested
Saronno, suspicious death in the hospital, doctor and nurse arrested
Saronno, suspicious death in the hospital, doctor and nurse arrested
Saronno, suspicious death in the hospital, doctor and nurse arrested
Saronno, suspicious death in the hospital, doctor and nurse arrested
Saronno, suspicious death in the hospital, doctor and nurse arrested
Maximum War, was found dead “lying on the sofa in the lounge near the entrance of the house”. He was a man in health, slightly overweight, no diseases. If she was convinced he had diabetes and heart problems. Diseases invented by the wife-the nurse, with the complicity of the Sideline who signed the false reports of the examinations and the results of the analysis of the blood. Had also been hospitalized several times, yet the doctors had never found the cause of that malaise that caused him to miss the strength in his legs and made him fall asleep on the steering wheel of the van. They killed the doses of insulin that the wife, with loving care, increased day by day. He had started in 2011 with “the antidepressants to get the drop of the libido”. But Maximum are not dying. The nurse will tell to a friend that those drugs gave them to him alone: “But nothing happens, my husband is well and then the children don& #8217;t eat what she eats him”. Also tell you, after his death, that the husband was evil, that he returned drunk and had a round of prostitutes in Switzerland. Laura Taroni is suspected of having killed the father-in-law and an uncle of the husband, ended in a bath of slurry in the farm, the “Queen” of Lomazzo (Como). “I sometimes I have this urge to… kill someone,” says intercepted.
dr. Gazzaniga, it was called “god” or “the angel of death”. The nurse, Paul C. says that it repeated often, even in front of the sick: “With this patient, unfold my wings of the angel of death”. The operator social health Ivana M. explain to the carabinieri of Saronno, having heard it repeatedly utter the phrase “I am god” and that the most severely ill patients, often terminally ill, applied the “protocol Cazzaniga”. That was, how to reconstruct the investigators, that a “cocktail of drugs” to induce death. “Euthanasia”, defines the doctor on the phone with his lover. “Euthanasia is another thing — scolded him, the woman who, when a person is lucid and aware asks you to put an end to his life…”. “Then it is murder”. The angel of death killed mr. Angelo Lauria, 69 years of age, sick with cancer, with a dose of Propofol five times higher than normal. Joseph Pancrazio Vergani, 71 years of age, parkinson’s disease in an advanced stage, with a morphine dose ten times over the allowable. And so it happened also to Luigia Lattuada, 77 years old, she is sick of cancer, and mr Antonino Isgrò, who at 93 years went to the emergency room with only a broken femur and left it in a coffin. But the cases which are investigated are at least ten others. Everyone knew about those deaths (“death”) were not normal. The story, in the 61 pages of the order for custody, the doctors and nurses. Someone had also drafted a report to the police, but the fax is left (in error) on the desk of a marshal of the carabinieri, are now investigated.
Laura and Leo had started dating even before the nurse marry. Is she herself to confide in a colleague. When they find the survey to give the force the two lovers to simulate even an interrogation. Taroni: “it’s Just that for me, in that case I will say “excuse me eh… but according to you, has nothing to do with the fact that a month and a half after it had fallen out as well, unintentionally in the deep basin? There we burned the barn” (referring to his uncle). The doctor reminds the lover of having “prepared the death certificate of the mother. From the cards signed by the gip of Busto Arsizio Luca Labianca, also emerge from the talks the delirious woman with the children (now in foster care). With the largest, ten years, discussing the perfect murder: “But the murder must be one thing you won’t discover it, if you’re caught and go to jail you also lose the house. Murder, a perfect murd er, drug…”. You do not have a problem to hypothesize the murder of his grandmother Maria: “That, however, does not want to be cremated, and then from there they can trot out a lot of things… we haven’t even got the pigs….”. He tells the son, but the grandmother is cardiopatica and “just a little”, while “the aunt is a problem, is not sick… don’t think that has ever thought of…you don’t know how our minds murderous put together are brilliant”. The lover asks if “the children are a problem”, implying that it is ready to eliminate them.
And in an interception, he says to the son,: “You look like your father and you ammazzerò”.
November 30, 2016 | 07:07

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