Sunday, November 20, 2016

Movida violent to ‘baretti’ di Chiaia assaulted two young people and the mom – Naples Fanpage

A meeting of clarification changed into a trap, attacked and manhandled two young brothers in the area of the ‘bars’ of Chiaia. The group of attackers did not hesitate to beat up the mother of two, came to their rescue.

another episode of violence to Chiaia, one of the areas of naples nightlife, where a group of young people attacked two peers to kicks and punches, then please do not hesitate to beat his mother stepped in to defend the children. as reported by the Morning the brothers, 18 and 23 years, were in the 'bars’ di Chiaia, where they had to meet their attackers for a 'clarification’. What was supposed to be a meeting riappacificatore has instead turned into a violent beating.

When the mother ran in via Bisignano, advised by a friend over to ring the bell at the house a short distance to the place of the attack, he saw the children to the ground and the group of attackers intent to beat them up: intervened, in turn, was manhandled. On the spot intervened the forces of law and order: all three family members were brought to the San Paolo hospital where they received medical treatment, the more serious the older brother with a prognosis of 25 days.

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