Aurora was 9 months old when he died of starvation in its cradle in a house in Milan. It weighed just over six pounds, had sores on the body because it was changed, and the skull was deformed because it was left in the same position. And so the little in the night between 26 and 27 February, as they have testified to the medical examiners, he died "like a flame". Today for the parents of the child, on trial before the judges of the court of Assizes for the abuse aggravated, came the sentence: 12 years. The request for the penalty to be part of the pm Cristian Barilli was very high: twenty years for Marco Falch i, the father who according to a witness, "singing with joy" after the death of the small, and sixteen for the mother, Olivia Beatrice Grazioli, because the trial for the "child in you is the extent of the fraud". No excuse since this would result in a "devaluation of what happened," she said at the public ministry.
According to the pm, the social context in which it was moving, the family, although "poverty" was caused by "model of parents who both wanted to be". A few hours after the heart of the small stopped beating, as pointed out in the surveys, parents bought a car. A car that according to the neighbors was considered precious because according to a close they continued to check that he had scratches or dents. The public prosecution also recalled that "on the evening of the death, Grazioli has even offered to go to eat a pizza in memory of the little morning" and the morning after the death, together with her husband, "has made a transfer of more than 9000 euro to buy the car". The defense of the woman asked, the absolution, and the result generic in the case of condemnation, for "absence of malice". Beatrice Grazioli suffer a" disorder of personality borderline and is beholden to her husband".
The man, asked by the pm claimed to have asked for help to social services, but the responsible of social services of the area has denied, at the hearing, said that "the couple had never been addressed, to ask for help". "For me, it is a suffering that is not finished, that all the love and the good that I wanted Aurora can’t understand," said the man. From the autopsy there was evidence, however, the cranial deformation and a sore on his back caused by lack of movement, in addition to a dermatitis due to the fact that the diaper was not being changed frequently. Also, make sure lung damage caused by the ingestion of liquids and food, often took when was lying. Gallons of chamomile, according to another witness. As reconstructed in the classroom, the pm Cristian Barilli Aurora was born healthy, has suffered "hunger and thirst", and in the last moments of life, "had not even the strength to cough" and to express "the cry" of his malaise.
During the hearings were also collected the testimonies of the agents and the personnel of the 118 participants in the house in via Severoli the night of the death of Aurora. "I see as in a picture the eyes and the cheeks sunken," said the judges, the doctor of the 118 who described the house as "haunted by the insects and cockroaches", a house where, according to another witness it was not possible to live a baby because there was neither a chair nor a changing table, nor food to children.