Sunday, November 20, 2016

Referendum: Renzi, you are for the chaste. Landini, is not true. Salvini: ‘After the” No “immediately to the vote’ –

“I suspect that the reform has not read, Landini. I say it to him with respect. You have to change things, not defend the caste like you do”. He says the premier, Matteo Renzi In Half an hour. “It is not true, the Cgil, was for a Senate of autonomies, this thing, however, is an animal bicefalo that you do not understand if it will be elected. I am against the double work always and I don’t understand how you can be the mayor or councillor and senator.This reform is sloppy,” replies Maurizio Landini. And the battle goes on for a long time. “I understand the solidarity among fellow trade unionists, but to defend the Cnel is unthinkable for anyone&# 8221;, attacked Renzi.

Salvini: ‘After the” No “vote is any law’
“If he wins the no, as I think, for me, is going to vote as soon as possible. I believe that we will win any election law. I’m ready. We also already have a team of potential ministers with a personality out of the League”. The said Matteo Salvini at ‘That Time’ on Rai3. “If he wins the ‘you’ – continues the leader of the League – I believe that in the centre-right someone will go to the Court of Renzi, because we are behind on the bandwagon of the winner. But I don’t think it will happen.”

Landini: ‘the Constitution cannot be changed wholesale’
“On the Cnel I have no problems, but the Constitution can’t be changed wholesale, you are you to rate 40 items together”, said the leader Fiom again In Half an hour. “Do not say that the legislative process is incomprehensible why just read it,” says the premier. “We had proposals because we are not, because things remain as they are now. The titles are right, the problem is the performance,” says Landini.

“It’s incomprehensible that you defend a status quo that has not worked. Think of keeping a system property, to pay refunds to regional directors and to the groups to the Senate to talk about the case to the communications staff of the 5 Star Movement, which I find incomprehensible. I thought that the task of a trade unionist was to defend the workers, not the regional directors”. Says the premier to Landini.

‘Not strumentalizzo, my mandate to reform’ – “I have Not manipulated the referendum, I, together with other reforms, because the government had been born to them: the labour market reform, civil rights, third sector, public administration.

The main reform was the constitutional to simplify, to cut away a bit of armchairs, this is not an exploitation but our mandate: we went there to do the reforms, not to spend time at the Palazzo Chigi”.

Thus it meets Matteo Renzi, in a video posted from Fanpage.en, who asks him why he has manipulated the constitutional referendum. The premier, in the headquarters of the online magazine, has undergone a “question time”, responding to the questions of the citizens on different topics.


“Are highly favourable to halve the salary of parliamentarians, as they proposed, the Five-star, because if a parliamentary halve your salary has to be to earn as much as the president of the Council. Today, I gain half of Di Maio, di Battista, but also of the parliamentarians of other political parties. The proposal M5s, however, was a mirror of the larks. If we want to make a serious proposal and not demagogic, we fix a percentage on the basis of what you are in the Classroom. And dimezziamo refunds”. “The Five-star – says – you have to forgive, that constitutional reform to cut the armchairs, reduces

the cost of the policy and put those money in the pocket of the citizens. Want to report the salary of the parliamentary to the level of the salary of the president of the Council? We are there, but no tricks, no jokes. And, in any case, December 4, let’s see if they vote Yes or No to the elimination of the seats”, is the c hallenge of the chairman of the Board.

words - continue - they are capable of all to cut taxes, but those words were capable of in the past, taxes have increased. From canon, Imu, Irap, Ires, floor plan, we’re throwing down the fees. But it is hard work, gradual and patient: this is the first time you do it. But to reach the goal of a fiscal pressure in the european average, there is still work to be done and be consistent, there is need for the taxes they do not rise from another part. Until I make the premier taxes do not go up. They go down too slowly? Maybe yes, but at least they go down first as it was?. The last time they increased Vat that was in September 2013, there was a other government. I can guarantee you that the Vat next year will increase”, he adds. How to Equitalia, says: “it is Not that he is Santa Claus and we cancel all the debt, but we delete the default interest often shameful that you were paying before.”

immigration arrived in recent years has exceeded all the records of the past why Libya was bombed without thinking of the after, and now the coasts of Libya are a swiss cheese, leave in the too many. The widespread system of Italian has allowed for the moment balanced, just that you can’t go forward, can not only be a thousand municipalities, eight thousand to handle the influx. The solidarity and hospitality must be at Italian and european level. If the europeans continue to close the doors and borders, we begin to manage the locks of the portfolio: if you must build walls will not with our money”, she stresses. As for the citizenship, he adds: “we have proposed that the ius soli tempered, which provides that whoever does a cycle of school in Italy, does not have to wait eighteen years for citizenship. It was approved in the first reading. Now with the bicameralism and equal goes to the other Room”.

“The bonus teens is a welcome into the community of adults, investing in culture, books, theatre. It is our identity. It is one of the most important ideas of this government. There is a digital recording, and more than 40 thousand people in the first ten days have already made the registration and a system that allows young people to be proud citizens of Europe as well as of this Country. You couldn’t do otherwise? It is the first time that you’re doing.” As for the school, so responds to the question: “On the evaluation, we have found a solution on the first € 200 million that has angered so many people. Personally I think you can discuss the criteria for deciding the rating, but does not prevent you to evaluate the professors: good should take longer, the less good must take less.”


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