Hospitals "out of use" to Aleppo est after the heavy bombing of the last few hours. The United States warn the Syria and Russia against the "actions ” atrocious" on Aleppo. In a note of the White House, the national security adviser Susan Rice condemning the bombings that have destroyed the hospitals, adding that "the syrian regime and its allies, Russia in particular, are responsible for the immediate consequences and long-term these actions". the Moscow must "immediately" stop the violence and allow the arrival of humanitaria n aid for civilians.
The versions on the conditions of the hospitals in the eastern part of the city, however, are different: the health directorate of Aleppo andworld health Organization (Who) report that "all the facilities are out of service", while the'Observatory syrian human rights is know that some facilities are still working, but many residents are afraid to use them because of the explosions. "This destruction of infrastructure essential to life and leaves the people under siege, including all the children, the elderly, and women, without any health-care facility that provides care can save lives without allowing them to die," says the health directorate of Aleppo in a statement sent to the Reuters an official with the opposition.
On the bombings, has been Doctors without borders, who says in a statement that the damage to the hospitals affected in the last 48 hours "are enormous". Different structures "they had to stop the activity. L'children’s hospital has been attacked for the second time, three planes are destroyed, and now is no longer in service". The medical organization international goes on to say that according to some of the doctors that Msf supports in the area of "this is the worst bombing campaign of the last few years". With few doctors left and the supplies that can enter, the health care system is on its knees and we don’t know how you can stand still, ” continues the press release.
The Who’s representative in Syria, Elizabeth Hoff, reported that a group of humanitarian agencies, guided by the'Un based in Turkey "today confirmed that all of the hospitals in Aleppo in the east are out of service". Different the information provided by the Observatory syrian human rights, according to which, of course, there are hospitals still functioning, but people won’t use them for fear. The eastern part of Aleppo controlled by the opposition, and besieged by the army. Intense air raids continue to target Aleppo’s east Tuesday, when the syrian army and its allies have resumed operations after a hiatus of weeks. On Friday, they launched attacks on ground stations of the opposition.
The State tv syrian, on 15 November, has reported that aviation had targeted "strongholds and depots of supply of terrorists" in Aleppo. The term terrorists the government indicates a rebel. Russia, for its part, claims to have carried out air raids only in other parts of Syria. So Moscow as Damascus have denied to take aim at deliberately, hospitals and other civilian infrastructure during the war, which began in 2011 and which is to be added, the Russian air force in September of 2015.