Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Referendum, floods and earthquakes. Vote Yes and everything will fall into place, says Renzi – Il fatto Quotidiano

"we Guarantee maximum attention to the regions affected by the floods [...] It a priority to care for the hydrogeological risk, the attention to the discomfort the plumber and now with the pact puts a further step in the right direction, i.e. prevention instead of rebuilding after". Word of Renzi. The occasion was the signing at the Palazzo Tursi, announced the Pact of Genoa.

Already, the hydrogeological risk and the discomfort of the plumber, who in savona reappear. Houses crushed by the fury of the waters, long stretches of railways, suspended in the void. Roads sunk. Broken links. The mountains that are to discharge to the valley of the mud. People saved by the fire brigade. The hinterland, but also the coast. Cisano sul Neva, Albenga, Pietra Ligure, and several other municipalities. "Already seen". In other years, not only elsewhere. Of course, now there is “Casa Italia”, the "plan for the safety of the national territory". the The premier has no doubt. Nothing will be as before.

But in these parts don’t seem quite so convinced. Of rain has fallen so much. The data on precipitation are clear. But weather events are the presence of a situation from red alert. To make the difference once again, there is theabuse of the territories. Use unreasonable that depending on the case takes the forms of soil consumption,urban sprawl,abandonment of the countryside and deforestation of the mountains. A disaster "built" over the years. From the coast to the interior. As if the territories were not the places in which you live, you move. As if the territories were not part of us. More, do not point in the us.

and Yet the "West and the ungrateful, ruined by speculation and the imprevidenza", described by Michele Serra in 1986, is a sick body, for a long time. But evidently, not enough sick to arouse concern. According to the dossier Ispra on "land use, spatial dynamics and ecosystem services", relating to 2015, in the province of Savona in 2015 have been waterproofed 12.139 hectares of land, equal to 7,85 of the entire surface. Not only. Continues to increase compared to 2012. And the results are there to see, unfortunately.

Renzi has come from these parts. The reason, not even to say, referendum. Of course, he spoke of hydrogeological risk, prevention, aid. But the reasons of Yes have been central. "The important thing is to learn how to plan for the future. With a great architect ligure as Renzo Piano we are doing a great job of reconstruction of our Country and of the evaluation of the priorities," said the Chairman of the Board at the Teatro Chiabrera of Savona, adding, ” as "voting Yes is a leap into the future, the No in many ways is a leap into the void. We need a Country that works".

The earthquake Central Italy, and the resulting “emergency plan” and, even more, the latest floods, including those of savona, seem episodes imponderable. Almost as if they were supernatural events. Renzi ensures interventions. Every thing will fall in place. The churches collapsed in macerata for the earthquake and the beds of the water courses tracimati to the floods. The villages of Marche and Umbria will be born, the towns of the ponente ligure finally made safe. the Yes you will make all things right. The ” Yes ” will allow the Country to function. Until December 4 to hear from Renzi and his sherpa different things will be impossible.

Then, you will need to well as that of the President of the Council to devote a few words to explain why, despite the announced reforms to the Italy continues to be the Country hostage of floods and storms. The speed of that claim, the new sponsor, in the substance have not changed the territories. Have not given anything good. The danger remains.

"In the destruction of your riviera is responsible for the whole of your ruling class, not only the political one. They are responsible for the business, the financial, mercantile, and the hotel accommodation. All. Everyone, even the so-called man of the street: all dazzled by the irruption of the shipyard, factories, billion and jobs; building speculation that will storm the promontory [...] What a treat! A treat that will last six, seven, ten years, and then reduce this angle of the undeserved paradise at the usual casting of concrete and asphalt."

He wrote the Corriere della Sera Indro Montanelli on April 8, 2001. The problem is that "the ruling class, not just the political", of which Renzi is the most recent representative, has reduced "a slab of concrete and asphalt" the whole of Italy. In spite of that that assures the chairman of the Board and Secretary of the Pd, the Yes to the Referendum will not put everything in place. On the contrary.


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