Punishments are atrocious, physical torture, retaliation in the middle between the black magic and revenge and the mafia. And then affiliations, rituals, and baptisms, which included a special rite: drink human blood. There are a number of the business, the business that thrives on a social consensus based on the most powerful of the guards: the silence. All managed by an association organized crime as a real State with its leaders, the ministers of defence, the soldiers, even his own national holiday: a pyramid of obedience and terror.
"What is our tolerate the mafia, nigerian in Palermo" – In the last investigation of the prosecutor of Palermo, there is everything you need to know about the Black Axe, the axe of the black mafia association nigerian who for some years has left Lagos to expand all over the world. A rise to power made of terror, horrific torture, and alliances with other criminal organizations: as he had documented an investigation of the rt.it is, in fact, for the first time the more ancient of the Italian mafia, and that is What our, has sold a portion of its territory to the men of the Black Axe. From some time in Ballarò, the district which gives its name to the market in the heart of the historic city center, are the mafia, the african lay down the law. "What our has enabled the nigerians to organise a structure subordinate to the mafia: they were tolerated provided they do not come out of their scope of membership," confirms now the deputy prosecutor Leonardo Agueci, which, together with the substitutes, Sergio Demontis and Gaspar Hospital has ordered the detention of 17 representatives of the organization of african accused in various ways of criminal association for the mold mafiosor.
The dome of the black Thing in the handcuffs: 17 latches – In handcuffs are the finished pieces from the Nineties of the Black Axe, present throughout the national territory: like any mafia organization, in fact, even the nigerian had his the dome is made of heads, sottocapi and soldiers. The number one was stopped in Padua: this is Festus Pedro Erhonmosele, which until 2014, was the appointment of "Chama ” Black Axe", the third formal charge of the association at the national level. In practice it was a sort of head of the council of "Epa", and that is, the rates for the organization: they were the boss that would decide on all the issues that are most delicate. At Palermo, however, there was Kenneth Osahon Aghaku, the fourth charge, the national, the "defence minister" of the Black Axe: the district of Ballarò ran the punishments inflicted upon those who rebel against the law of the axe black. Born in the 70s at the university of Benin City as a sort of a gang of religious students – they call them "cults" – the Black Axe is then transformed into a real criminal association, a state in the State, which is parallel to the phenomena of migration has then started to put down roots in different european cities. For at least a decade, the tentacles of this new octopus arrived also in Italy, where the boss, nigerians have started to lay down the law in the suburbs of major cities such as Brescia, Turin and precisely in Palermo.
Black Axe arrives in Palermo to the blows of the axe – In the sicilian chief town in the shadow of the Black Axe is revealed for the first time in 2014 when a nigerian citizen is assaulted with a punch, kick, and surgical blows of the axe to the face from some fellow countrymen. It is at that moment that opens a crack in the aura of silence that had hitherto protected the mafia in nigeria. In handcuffs, ending in three: Austine Johnbull, said Ewosa, Vitanus Emetewa, said Acascica, and Nosa Inofogha. Accused of attempted murder is aggravated by the way mafia will be condemned to sentences ranging from 12 years and 4 months to 10 years and 6 months imprisonment. But it is only the first drop. Last summer, in fact, comes the first repentant: one of the members of the octopus black decides to spill the beans and tell all the behind the scenes of the rise of the power of the Black Axe in Palermo.
repented of the black Thing and the map of the Black Axe Thanks to the confession of a collaborator of justice, the public prosecutor of Palermo, has decapitated the leadership of the mafia nigerian in Italy, precisely on the eve of what could be a bloody a haunted house, ” , while one of the main boss, and that is Festus Erhonmosele, was returning to Nigeria. "Thanks to this operation, which has been advanced by a few days because it was feared the escape of some central components of the organization is also avoided the danger of possible conflicts and internecine wars," he explained to the pm Agueci. The investigation of the prosecutor of palermo reconstructs the recent history of the Black Axe in our Country. The "Areas of Italy", in fact, was reactivated a few years ago at the express request of Osahenagharu Uwagboe, said Sixco: after that, in 2006, the surveys of the judiciary had cleared the organ ization in Turin vertices nigerians of the axe black had decided to suspend the activities of the Italian branch of the Black Axe. Steve Osagie, instead, the so-called Ebuwa: it is one of the essays, and boss fights that will govern the association, and it is he who, in the 2013 "import" the Black Axe of Palermo. The stronghold of the axe black in the sicilian town is inside the historical market of Ballarò, and from there dictate orders Sylvester Collins said Evans and Matthew Edomwonyi said Tobaba, the heads of the rib palermo Black Axe. At their side there is Ewosa, the "priest", and the second charge of the town, one of the men convicted for the assault with blows of axe of January 2014, and a series of "Bucha", the thugs, all of which are affiliated on the day of the anniversary of the Black Axe, which is celebrated every year on 7 July.
"A mafia’s most violent cosa nostra" – Many of the affairs of the organization: from the s‘paccio of drugs, the exploitation of prostitution, until the transfer of the money of the compatriots from Nigeria to Italy in exchange for a substantial commission. A business guaranteed by silence and by terrible punishments for those who violate the internal rules. "The nigerian – say the investigators – is a mafia at times more violent than the one in palermo. They were reconstructed several cases of violence. People who were not under the rules were punished in a way extremely violent." It’s what happens on the 28th of February of 2014: a car moves from via Scillato, area Auditor, you are directed to a local in the heart of Ballarò. On board there are four people: two in front and two behind. Sitting in the center of the rear seats, so that it can escape, here is a fifth man, called Afube Muse, and must be < strong>punished because it has a relationship with the wife of a member of the Black Axe. Investigators have reconstructed every moment of that terrible day: Afube is virtually kidnapped for more than 12 hours. Beaten and stripped to be tortured and raped in the back of the room used as a restaurant in the vicinity of Ballarò, in the centre of Palermo. Where the parallel to What our it is set in the last years a mafia new, violent, brutal, and until a short time ago the invisible.
Twitter: @pipitone87