Reform and majority / Former Knight: “I’m getting ready to go back”
Milan , August 8 2014 – 17:52
Photo of the day is not, as usually happens in these cases, the board with the results of electronic voting. Photo of the day, this time, it’s warm embrace after the session between the minister Maria Elena Boschi , one of the people closest politically to the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party Matteo Renzi, and the leader of the Senate of Forza Italy, Paolo Romani , in turn, one of the most faithful colonels of Silvio Berlusconi. The first go-ahead came from the Senate to the bill that will lead to overcoming the constitutional bicameralism perfect (looks) is a success for the government and its leaders, who wasted no time tweeting his delight, highlighted by the inevitable hashtag ( #italiariparte #lavoltabuona). But it is also and above all for the former Knight who, backed by his own, he wasted no time to put the hat on an endorsement in which the Blues have played a role.
We thought the political advisor of Berlusconi, John Toti , to make it clear the situation: “Without FI reforms are not made. Renzi Senate stops at 140, while the majority is far away. Italy to change only with Forza Italy. ” Along the same lines Maria Stella Gelmini : “The vote on the reforms of today is a warning to Renzi: without the votes of Forza Italy are impossible those radical changes necessary for the revival of the country.” Then came the same Silvio Berlusconi that in a letter to MPs has dropped the load, appearing at ease in his dual role of institutional reference for Palazzo Chigi and leader of the opposition: “After months of tormented, Forza Italy has once again become the protagonist. Our movement is the only credible opposition to a government that has shown up here unable to cut spending, reduce taxes, to achieve real structural reforms in the economy. The last of GDP are the worst for 14 years and confirms the severe recession. ”
“I’m getting ready to go back”
Berlusconi is still waiting to know the official reasons of the judgment of appeal with which he was acquitted in the case Ruby (for which instead was sentenced to seven years in the first instance), but with the vote of the Senate feels that he has made further progress towards full political rehabilitation, which will be completed once the effects of the judgment came less than a year ago to the process Mediaset (sentenced to 4 years) that ousted him from the Senate – and who knows, if things had gone differently maybe instead of the Romans would have been kissed him today the Minister Woods – and that forced him to carry out activities of social service among elderly Cesano Boscone. “I am close to you and I will still fight for and defend our freedom – also wrote to his MPs in which he described these months as a real” martyrdom “-. I hope to do a 360 degree angle with the recovery, within a few months of full political freedom and electoral sottrattami with the judgment of August 1, 2013. ”
Numbers in comparison
Numbers well help us to understand the scenario. The reform has achieved in this first vote in the Senate 183 votes in favor, 14 or more compared to those collected by the government on 24 February to a vote of confidence for the settlement. Then yes were 169 and included the entire Democratic Party, Ncd, Choice Civica, for Italy and for Autonomies. If the same groups had voted compact and even if Forza Italy had given the go-ahead with all of its 59 members, the bill would have to go with 229 votes in favor. They are, however, failed votes in all the main political forces and, in particular, in the Democratic Party (16 dissidents) and in Forza Italy (19), but also in the Ncd (8) and in the case of Italy (2). 183 are, however, 22 more than the 161 that the constitutional reform of the Berlusconi government got 16 November 2005 (then those opposed were 132, this time because no opposition, Forza Italy apart, are outputs from ‘ classroom) in the last of the four readings. The reform never came into force because it was then rejected with a net 61.3% of no in the referendum of June 2006
August 8, 2014 | 17:52
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