(AGI) – Rome, March 26 – “Today ‘an important day, a few hours will be disseminated data on permanent contracts that are truly amazing because there’ a double-digit growth in the first two months of the year.” He said the President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, coming to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
In January and February, in fact, were activated 79 000 permanent contracts in more ‘compared with January-February 2014. The announcement ‘came from the Minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti, according to which in January 2015, permanent contracts were 32.5% more’ of January 2014; for young 15-29enni the variation trend and ‘equal to 43.1%. In February last year, the percentage increase and ‘was 38.5% and for the young and’ came to 41.4%. Illustrating the data during a press conference on young Warranty to the Lazio Region, the presence of the European Commissioner for Employment Marianne Thyssen and the president of the Lazio region Nicola Zingaretti, Poletti explained that you can not ‘know at the time if the contracts indefinitely are additional or whether it is the transformation of fixed-term contracts: in any case – he noted – “orientation to stabilize labor relations and ‘a given absolutely positive.” The data – according to a report from the Ministry of Labour – are to be read in relation to strong incentives for permanent hiring (decontribution triennial more ‘permanent relief IRAP for employers) introduced with the law established ’2015. “It is implementing a radical change,” said Secretary of Labor. “It ‘a great satisfaction to think that so many people who had a contract in time now have a permanent contract,” he said during a conference on youth guarantee. In recent years the assumptions were not open-ended, they were anything else. Thousands of Italians will have a permanent contract that did not have before, the minister concluded, while acknowledging that at the time, and not ” be able to say that these contracts are additional or conversion. ” .
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