(Serenella Mattera) (ANSA) – Rome 20 MAR – When Monday Matteo Renzi Sergio Mattarella to deliver a letter of resignation by Maurizio Lupi, will officially open the game of choice of a successor as head of the important ministry Infrastructure and Transport. The premier, explain sources close to him, has not yet developed a decision, but the family weekend in Pontassieve will be an opportunity for reflection on the various options available to it to ‘reconstruct’ the government team. In the interview at the Quirinale could then submit them to the President and state the time for a decision, requesting an interim that probably should be short, “some day.” When Wolves in the afternoon makes his entrance at Palazzo Chigi to deliver a letter of resignation to the Secretary Graziano Delrio, Renzi has recently returned from Brussels, walking the last stretch to the door of the government. The two did not meet, but you will see, says the premier, “the cases opened and the state of the art.” A new tripartite meeting with Alfano is given for up to the last possible sources Ncd but renziane sources explain that it could be postponed to the next week, after the interview Renzi at Colle, even when the framework within Ncd will be clearer. Notwithstanding the intention of the leaders of the Democratic Party take Palazzo Chigi the technical mission of Infrastructure, maybe entrusting the responsibility to Luca Lotti, in the field at the time there would be more of an option for the succession to the ministry. Rise, at the time, the hypothesis of a political minister. Among the most ‘listed’ Undersecretary Graziano Delrio, which could also entrust Renzi. More difficult is instead considered the ‘transfer’ of Lots. But even the idea of a technical as Mauro Moretti or Andrea Guerra is still completely aside, even if the option of a magistrate Raffaele Cantone as or even Nicola Gratteri – spotted in the afternoon at Palazzo Chigi – appears unlikely. The hypothesis to indicate a woman would like to then prime minister – you name Debora Serracchiani – but will not be decisive in the choice. Some people, in the minority Democratic Party, would ponto to pose a “pluralism” in the government. But, say the renziani, the prime minister would not want to open the door to a real reshuffle, but replace Wolves and give Ncd rebalancing asked, with another ministry, as Regional Affairs, maybe turned into ministry – with portfolio – for the South. The prime minister is not at all worried, says those close to him, by fibrillation that are felt inside Ncd. Angelino Alfano, the Wolves, and the bulk of the party are firmly in the government, they say. Someone explain parliamentary sources, it would even be attempted from the entrance in the Democratic Party. Of course the words of those who, like Nunzia De Girolamo or Roberto Formigoni, openly criticizes the premier, do not go unnoticed. To those who accused him of ‘double standards’ for the presence in the government of the Democratic Party officials investigated, the same Renzi replies that the backward step of the Wolves comes from an assessment of political expediency, while for all that is a “guarantor to 360 degrees.” In the next hours, say renziani, Alfano will have to clarify first of all within the party, before putting his hand to the government dossier. If Wolves were to have the role of leader in the House, would increase the chances that Quagliariello remains the party where – explain sources close to him – he wants to continue the work started by the coordinator. Circulates the hypothesis that he is entrusted with the university, in an unpacking of the ministry of the school. But the best option ‘serene’ could lead to the landing to the government of a new member of Ncd. Maybe a woman. Like, someone says, Dorina Bianchi or the very young Rosanna Scopelliti.
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