(AGI) – Rome, March 28 – “We are tired of commercials election, and bales that are told.” Cosi ‘Typhoid and’ addressed the protesters who filled the square of the People, for the event promoted by FIOM.
“We must have the courage to tell the truth ‘: we are not in front of the change of the country, the government has chose to reject the comparison, has chosen as a partner the Confindustria “.
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“The government – he added – is continuing as the previous ones: there is no ‘difference indeed there is’ a worsening compared to the Berlusconi government. ” Landini has argued that the line executive Renzi and ‘so far been contained in the letter of the ECB. On 12 December last year – added Landini – Fiom had said that after the general strike mobilization would not stop: “Today – said – we are here to say that we will not stop and we will move forward until ‘will not change the law wrong that erase workers’ rights. ”
Landini: Renzi? Some concern guy’s got
“Today ‘in a process of political and social management of which is putting at risk the democratic seal of the country”, he also said the Landini stage in his speech at the event being held in Piazza del Popolo. In Italy there is’ a “crisis of democracy as big as a house,” says the general secretary of Fiom. The leader of the CGIL metalworkers accused the government of being applying the program of Confindustria, things that “have not been rated by anyone, ’cause no one voted a politically and deleted some rights.” We are facing a regressive process on political and social, “he added, and launched an accusation to the logic with which the government is moving: and ‘a logic master”, with the layoffs more’ easy, a bit ‘less taxes for businesses, given the right headmasters to decide who to teach and who’s not, funding for private schools, has listed the leader of the Fiom. So on constitutional reform before Parliament stressed: “It centralize powers in a logic outside the constitutional principles”.
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