After months of not said, with lunges between the leadership of Forza Italy and so-called fittiani declassified in harmless shots foil, yesterday was Paolo Romani to put on paper what is quite clear for some time. In the party, says the chairman of the Senate blue speaking at the convention in Milan, “does not fit anything” because “we are divided and quarrelsome.” A concept that in private repeat from time all managers of Forza Italy, virtually without exception. Not limiting however the reasoning to Raffaele Lease, since the voltage is too high with the patrol headed by Denis Verdini and is known the agitation that you live in the parliamentary group of the Chamber where many would like a change of Renato Brunetta. Looking at the whole center, then, the situation is even more complex and there are so many contradictions that can be felt between the League version lepenista, the right of former An that yesterday in Rome found itself divided into ten acronyms and Galaxy centrist moving between Italy and Ncd Unica Corrado Passera.
The scene, in short, is definitely contradictory. And it is on this that they point their political opponents and observers when they describe as irreconcilable alliance that could put together this chaos. A reasonable reflection, in which you must take account of the views that can be seen in the center. Even there, there is everything and its opposite. And the manifestation of Unions of Typhoid took to the streets yesterday in Rome is the proof. From the left, the secretary of Fiom stands as an outsider compared to the premier, the first in a row in the coming months is likely to swell. Renzi, get to say Landini, is even “worse than Berlusconi.” And to march with him is half minority of the Democratic Party, by Pippo Civati Stefano Fassina through Rosy Bindi and Gianni Cuperlo. Take to the streets against the prime minister, but in Parliament support him with their votes. A beautiful contradiction even this. A speech that in some ways applies also to the galaxy that goes around Nichi Vendola, also alongside Landini in the procession but more cautious if the middle there are armchairs and assignments. Not by chance in Puglia Vendola should end up supporting the candidacy for governor of Michele Emiliano with which famously has never taken. The priority, however, is the number of councilors to take home and a race in solitary could reduce it by much.
Rome “We think we have more consensus than what has the government.” The figure of the demonstration against the Jobs Act issued yesterday by Fiom of Typhoid is not more than 50 thousand in attendance estimated by the union, but the gauntlet launched formally at Matteo Renzi. “It’s worse than Berlusconi: we are tired of slogans, slide and bales,” proclaimed the secretary of the CGIL metalworkers, identifying the premier a most dangerous opponent of the historic bugbear of all the left. A bit ‘as did the Lama and Berlinguer of yesteryear with the DC.
The substance, the real one, is a bit’ failure. Landini, in fact, did not complain directly to the leadership of his “social coalition” or, even less, fell directly in the field. He just envisioned something that closely resembles the Communist Party once. “The industry takes only make work a commodity, as it was in 800,” yelled Landini paraphrasing Marx and inviting Confindustria to “renew contracts’, but without applying” the Fiat model. ” Yet precisely Fiat is the biggest defeat of Landini: the strike of shifts of overtime yesterday announced it was used by the delegates to go to the Roman event, but otherwise it was a flop.
Even adhesions remembered the Dark Shops once highlighting that Landini has “conquered” pieces of the left eager to survive Renzi: the pensive Stefano Fassina, the shady Pippo Civati, the Kafkaesque Gianni Cuperlo (who sent a message but did not participate) , the passionate Rosy Bindi and the ineffable Nichi Vendola with what remains of Sel. Obviously, everything has been blessed by the ‘guru’ suitable for these celebrations, namely Stefano Rodotà.
Landini has schermito once again behind formulas a bit ‘vague. “The union must not become a party, because it must be independent from politics, but it must have a political subjectivity,” he reiterated. It is a response to the criticisms that have come directly from the president of Confindustria, Giorgio Squinzi (“They make policy, Fiom and CGIL slowing everything”) and indirectly to the Labour Minister Giuliano Poletti and by the premier. Similarly, the program is a bit ” recycled ‘. “We want to counter the Jobs Act both on the contractual and legal and legislative, not excluding any kind of intervention,” argued without specifying whether it will follow the dangerous road of the referendum. Ditto for the lowering of the retirement age and reducing working hours (a ball of Bertinotti).
If this is the “answer” to a government “which has already made its social coalition with Confindustria and the ECB, “one can not but observe that the only concrete result was to have held in the general secretary CGIL, Susanna Camusso, which Landini has always had a relationship to say the least dialectical. No enemies to the left, as in the old Communist Party.
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