Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Madia: goodbye to the Forestry Corps, the Police down to 4 – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published March 17, 2015 at 17:06.
The last change is the March 17, 2015 at 18:48.

Care slimming for the Police Forces Italian. After the mention of the Prime Minister in his speech this morning at the school of the agents in Rome (“we must move towards more integration, difficult that after the approval of the reform of Pa police forces are still five”), comes the confirms the Minister Marianna Madia: the implementation of the delegation Pa to the Senate will go down the police from five to four, with the reorganization of the State Forestry Corps and its eventual absorption into other forces.

DDL delegation in the House to the Senate in late March
The ministroMadia spoke on the sidelines of the meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the Palazzo Madama, which approved an amendment of the rapporteur on the rewriting of Article 7 of the Bill delegation. The article reformulated excludes mergers-absorptions by the provincial police, as they had asked the State Accounting and Budget Committee. Also today, the conference of leaders scheduled a landing in the Chamber of the reform of Pa in the days from March 31 to April 2, ‘where concluded’ consideration in committee.

In Cfs almost 10 thousand agents and structures 1200
The State Forestry Department has a total of about 8,000 units and approximately 1,000 offices throughout the rural and mountainous areas, with provincial Commands and regional in 15 regions, for a total of over 1,200 structures. The body, like many other government departments, serving a very uneven geographical distribution of staff, with redundancies in the center south and deficiencies in the north, with effects also on the territorial distribution which sees heavily penalized stations, which recorded an average of personnel assigned lower the two units. The last reorganization law of the Body is the n. 36/2004, and the competence of the tasks and objectives of the body is entrusted to the Ministry of Environment. Law 4/2011 provided for the establishment of the Sections of the Judicial Police of the CFS at prosecutors and courts, an innovation that employs about 300 Forest with negative effects on staff, which now has an average of uncovering 15 percent.

Interceptions, managers cut rates by 60%
Green light of the Committee also to several other amendments and sub-amendments, including a change that will lead to a radical reduction of costs for wiretaps . The sub-amendment proposed by senators dem Doris Lo Moro and Lucrezia Ricchiuti provides “the reduction of 60% of the approved rate telephone network operators and the price of the supports used for signal reception with particular regard to interception of conversations and streams” under the Code of Criminal Procedure (which governs cases where the interception is allowed).

Transparency, right to access large for MPs
A ‘ other change concerns the right of access to administrative documents. A rapporteur’s amendment approved by the committee provides for the delegation to the Government for the definition of the rights of members of the Chambers, in connection with the performance of their institutional duties, to access, or to read and to have copies, to administrative documents (a formula Generic indicating a vast set of measures).



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