Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bribes, new cards on Lupi: “Even clothes for him and his son” – The XIX Century

 Maurizio Lupi today in the House

Maurizio Lupi today in the House

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Regarding the following article, we received this note from Nicola Beneduce:

“Gent.le Director, pursuant ‘Article 8 of the press law and with reference to the content about me appeared in his online newspaper Il Secolo XIX Italy of 18.03.2015 entitled “Bribes, new charges for Wolves:” Even clothes for him and his son ” pointed out that no clock gift- or else- of 7/8000 euro or otherwise of appreciable value to me was never done by Franco Cavallo, it ‘Christmas in 2013 it’ in other circumstances. I distrust so anyone to spread false information, except avail myself of every opportunity to law to protect my image.
Nicola Bonaduce

Florence – From what is written by prosecutors of the court of Florence in the request for remand for the investigation of so-called “big contracts” emerge new charges to the Minister of Infrastructure, Maurizio Lupi, which today has tried to defend the House .

That work for Wolves jr
In the papers, for example, states that “when the minister asks Lupi is pressing to get his son Luca, the obvious order to find a solution working in favor of the latter, the same is pressing immediately turns to Perotti, who immediately turns on. ” Again: “It should be noted that circumstances are acquired investigative work in order intake of Lupi Luke, son of the minister, obtained with the involvement of Incalza Hercules and Francesco Cavallo. As part of this working relationship, Lupi is intended to cooperate in activities related to their new palace Eni in San Donato Milanese. ”

Horse Perotti and commissioning of the Pope against the corrupt
In another passage, the prosecutor wrote that “it is very singular personality of Perotti and Horse: although capable of weaving dense plots corrupt, March 27, 2014 at 6:30 am participating in the Mass at the Vatican by Pope Francis “he uttered,” in front of politicians and businessmen, a homily on Corruption that sparked uproar. ”

The dinners and gifts to raise funds
In addition, from eavesdropping emerge ‘contacts and meetings, even convivial, as well as organizing a dinner time to raise “funds “in the interest of the minister, the provision of tailored suits in favor of the Minister Wolves, his son Luke and his secretaries and the purchase of Christmas gifts in favor of the minister and his entourage,” as they wrote the judges talking Francesco Cavallo, “also called” Frank “or” Franco “, indicated by Giulio Burchi as” the man of the Wolves “.”

In the papers it is explained that “the tailor Barbato Vincenzo manufactures clothes, to price of 700 euro about one, for the minister and members of his secretariat Lupi, Bonaduce Nicola, Emmanuele Forlani and Lezzi Marco. ” Again: “On 20 December 2013 Horse communicates to Altieri Gaetano of Csf Construction and Services Srl that Bonaduce thinks he, evidently referring to a Christmas present” and “future emerges from conversations, in all likelihood, that the gift purchased for Bonaduce has a value of about EUR 7-8mila. ” He then speaks of a bank of 1840 euro made by a company linked to horse after horse bought “watches of significant economic value at the jewelry Verga Liano” and “an order of sweets in the amount of 962 Euros at the ‘ commercial operation of Grossi Alfredo (Milan, Corso Magenta). ” Finally, “December 13, 2013 Horse order some bags at the store Valextra of Milan, Via Manzoni, for a total of 1680 euro.”

Perotti tried several times to work friends Incalza
It’s not all, because “at other times”, in addition to that which concerned the son of the Minister Wolves, “Perotti has taken action to provide recruitment work in favor of people eventually given dall’Incalza»: in the “conversation of 17 November 2011 exchanged between Stephen and Perotti Saraceno Furio, as Chairman of the Board of the venture corporation Nodavia (general contractor in relation to the node Table of Florence), Perotti speaks to Saraceno’s” a curriculum of a person that I been recommended by Hercules is pressing “, urging the completion of an interview in favor of that person.” Then there is the hiring of an architect “by Stephen Perotti (through companies attributable to the same), on demand dell’Incalza Hercules’; Presses “on the other hand, appears to be in friendly relationships with the father of the said architect.”

Even a trip to the wife of Wolves
Always secndo as wrote in the Proceedings of the survey on the Florentine “big contracts”, at a convention Ncd organized in Bari by Maurizio Lupi, Francesco Cavallo, one of those arrested, “is activated to provide a plane ticket (Milan-Bari) to the wife of Minister Lupi, Dalmiglio Emanuela. ” It is explained that “the price of this ticket is € 447.03″ and that “the receipt of payment is headed to the horse, which is transmitted by mail from the email address of the coop Pietroletti Gabriella La Cascina (not given whether this expenditure has been reimbursed). ” Moreover, “it is understood that on the sidelines of this event the Menolascina ‘, an entrepreneur near Horse,” organizes a dinner with restricted Minister Lupi. At this dinner should also participate in the Horse: Menolascina says by phone at Emmanuele Forlani (Secretariat of the Minister Lupi) that it is something “super confidential”. From dialogue intercepted January 10, 2014 between the Minister and the Wolves Menolascina we understand that must be seen ten minutes before the dinner (“time to know our stuff ’10 minutes, 10 minutes before we see you … you and I thing” ). “

A monsignor hunting for votes for Wolves
In the request for precautionary measures of pm Florence is shown a series of conversations between a bishop and two of arrested, Francesco Cavallo and Stefano Perotti: we understand that the former papal delegate to the Basilica del Santo in Padua, Monsignor Francesco Gioia, you would be enabled to find “votes” for “European” in favor of Maurizio Lupi. On May 2, 2014, Joy, talking horse, “is expressed as follows:” I have to do to know who bears the chief for the European, because I do not know anything yet. No, but it is urgent that we tell him why, if I have to then avviarmi for some religious institutes of my entourage, no ?, to report. ‘” Horse, add the prosecutors, “reserves to reach out to him the information required.” Monsignor Gioia is quoted in the cards for a ‘request insistently advanced to Perotti Stefano, Francesco Cavallo and is pressing Hercules, aimed at obtaining an intervention of the same for finding, in favor of his nephew, an assignment working “indefinitely” and in a geographical region “and for sponsoring a contractor, Luca Navarra, the Italian construction, getting a contract for the construction of the Palace in Italy Expo. And yet, the judges write, “were not acquired unique elements that indicate that the special relationship in place between the representatives of the said undertaking (the brothers Navarra) and Francesco Gioia had a specific relevance to the present case.”

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