The Minister Poletti released data on employment. The increase in permanent contracts over the same period (January and February) of 2014 due to the incentives provided by the law of stability, not even the Jobs Act. Renzi exults
It is unclear how many of these contracts are activations from scratch and how stabilization of other contracts (term relationships, collaborations, etc.), but the minister Poletti emphasizes that it is still data “significant” in line, “with the stabilization target. For me – warned – it is a given very positive. ” According to data from the Ministry takes the share in the program Warranty young with 476,000 young people enrolled, 233,000 cared for and 49,000 who have already had a proposal including internships, job opportunities, training, internships and community service. “The numbers tell us, Poletti said, that the program is picking up speed. The program has 1.5 billion of resources for 2014-15 and the resources already committed amounted to 63.8% of the total. If this rate remains in the inscriptions – said Poletti – “in December could be enrolled in the program 800,000 young people in the face of resources for 560,000.”
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