Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Renzi: “Landini as Salvini: phenomena are tv, ornaments from … – The Daily


It was to be the direction of the Democratic Party to certify, once and for all, the party line on the electoral law . But it has also become an opportunity to respond to the right and left, literally. Landini equates Renzi Berlusconi As for action on economic and labor? “ Salvini and Landini, in a very different way, are two phenomena television – responds Renzi – But if the policy has no relation to reality and stop being daily life produces characters which are only ornaments from TV talk. ” That said, Renzi admits that “it is very interesting the cultural challenge the social coalition” led by Typhoid “and the challenge of that world.” “The social coalition is a great cultural challenge: do not underestimate at all. But for me it represents the future of the left and – sorry to any of you – not even represent the past of the left, trying to insist a tradition that does not belong to that world will be dismissed from reality. ” “The social coalition is an interesting challenge, which not only takes my sleep but that requires a political and cultural reflection more: that world there has never been a majority in the left”, marked by a “wishful thinking that has led to anywhere. “

But there’s also for the Five Star and for the center. The Democratic Party leader says to Beppe Grillo that now “from bogeyman has become Jackal” with “statements of unseemly taste.” The reference is to place the post of leader of the M5s who compared the prime minister to the co-pilot of the Germanwings . “It ‘clear that Grillo has lost centrality” adds Renzi. “Grillo choose not to stand in the discussion on reform: we have tried several times , we have made a table with them, accepting some requests such as the reduction of the thresholds and the majority of the premium to the list and not the coalition . We made an effort to listen to them, too, but we continue to put together a series of waste. With more consistency of the center, continue to get out, to be characterized against whatever , we’ll see if they’ll be right in the facts. “

Finally Forza Italy : “I will just point out that the French right makes choices different from Forza Italy: not chasing Marine Le Pen , choose to stay within the Republican and then – alas – also wins. But he won the right, not the extreme right. In the center-right Forza Italy in the first year he married the line of reforms, with a line Republican, in the constitutional, and voted the reforms in several steps. Then at some point he changed his mind, for a strategic tactical choice that we will see in the coming months. “

Then there was the issue of the direction of the Democratic Party, that the electoral law. The minorities Pd asking for dialogue and avoid the ultimatum and Renzi responds that his “hope is that it is the last direction in which we discuss electoral law “. Of course, “not the last time” because “it may be appropriate that the group of the House has the opportunity to come together.” But the president of the Council reiterates its willingness to bring the Italicum to the final rush and final approval as soon as possible, before the election day of 31 May. “I believe that by April 27,” the Italicum must “be in the Chamber as timetabled and in May we have to put an end to this discussion. If we want to ensure that 41% is an investment in the future, it is time to decide, continue to put off no use to anyone. ” Ultimately, “block the election law now would be a blow to the credibility. Say it is not an either-but it is the result of a work carried out for 13 months because we made an effort to speak with a continuous work in progress. “



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