Sunday, March 29, 2015

“Unions”. With the Fiom and CGIL the square turns red, the … –

It’s called the coalition Social Unions. The media these days have done everything to credit the fact that Typhoid with the excuse to organize a demonstration with the center’s work and rights, in fact proposed as head of a new party of the left. Some people have even believed in the CGIL and controversies that have arisen had no reason to exist. Well, who in the wake of Matteo Renzi, now undisputed dominus media, fascinated by Selfie and tweets, they talked, in negative terms of “baptism” of the social coalition, vade retro Satan, are served. The social coalition, which, mind you, there is, as the same the same Landini, was able to fill a historic square in Rome, mondandola dirt orgy of racist left by Matteo Salvini. A square that was lit in red, the hundred and a thousand flags of the union, blue overalls with red sweatshirts, red color work. The counts in these events is always difficult, but starting from about thirty thousand “booked”, buses, trains, planes, ferries, by many workers in Rome and Lazio, who went directly to the streets, students in particular, by the fact that capacity “official” is about 65 thousand people, the chance of a presence of 50 000, considered the space occupied by the stage, is not far away of reality.

We are many, many, the new springtime of the country

We are many, many, said the organizers of the Fiom and CGIL. Landini what he called “the new springtime of the country”, has given a clear and unambiguous impression of how the Fiom intends to move. What did Landini when he made the proposal approved almost unanimously by the National Assembly of the delegates and delegates, living people, blue collar in the flesh, was represented by the long procession coming down from the Pincio and seemed endless. Even those journalists, many, too many, which these days are drilled in the most fanciful hypotheses about the “treacherous” intentions of the “treacherous” Landini – a leader who has a great affection, true affection -, took notes, whispering to each other As is the custom, have material to reflect on the significance of this day, this Saturday with the square of the People, beautiful, sunny, a chill wind of the north who was waving red flags. Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, secretary of a party that is part of the European Socialists, should have at least some respect for a great union, Fiom, which represents more than 350 000 workers and employees, the CGIL, which represents just under six million .

Landini, “We are of the CGIL, not another thing.” The embrace with Camusso

Landini says: “We are of the CGIL, not another thing.” The embrace with Susanna Camusso is not only a sign of affection, hope will be the start of a debate tended to be stronger than the CGIL, to renew the forms of participation, the relationship with the complex world of work that is not only made from employment. Matteo Renzi does respond to his clone, the Deputy Secretary Guerini, with a phrase that is all a poem: “the event there were a few members of the Democratic Party.” And the minister Poletti, now incontinent, speaks three times a day: “By the logic of Fiom results obtained.” Maybe the Democratic Party, which holds the direction Monday to incense the premier and annihilate the minorities, could have an opportunity to reflect on those words uttered some hard by the general secretary of Fiom, “Renzi worse than Berlusconi.” Even the secretary of Fim Cisl should be more careful because in all elections for union representatives Fiom also won by a wide margin.

The union, the CGIL, the only major democratic force organized

The interventions from the stage of “outsiders”, to overspend to Zagrebelsky, with a message read by Sandra Bonsanti, students, had nothing of “alien”. Because the event was also their event, as well as many others who were present, the students, the VAT numbers, temporary non-unionized. The reality, is the meaning of “social coalition”, that Landini has also tried to explain to the Piazza del Popolo, is that today the union is the only democratic force organized. They are not parties, now evaporated, circles of patronage, it is not the Democratic Party, takes many votes, on little more than fifty percent of the voters, but its organized force is now reduced to a flicker. Fiom CGIL calls for all to begin a process of renewal, and puts his organization and its presence in the workplace and in the territories to “disposal” of associations, movements, individuals, who are fighting for change, to defend, implement the Constitution, not spoiling it.

The meaning of the reference to Giuseppe Di Vittorio and Bruno Trentin

This means doing the FIOM union , politics, labor policy, which is the foundation of the Constitution. No coincidence Landini drew Di Vittorio, the union general representation of the world of work, “inventor” of the Statute of citizens’ rights workers. And so the call to Trentin, who do not understand why it has aroused the ire of his wife, the Union of Councils, rights and participation.

Unions will be the name of the social coalition, when it is born and in forms that will be decided. In mid-April there will be a first meeting “seminar”? We hope. It will not be a new union, there is already the Fiom, there is already the CGIL that will become stronger, more participatory. He overspend that “what’s good for workers is good for Italy.” The demonstration in Piazza del Popolo said what will be: Unions, in fact. And our colleagues if they make a right.

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Posted by Alessandro Cardulli



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